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Rhea is a four year old, happy girl living with her single mother Geeta. Remembering her beautiful journey to motherhood with Rhea, Geeta says “I was the happiest, when I held her for the first time in my arms; I couldn’t believed I am holding my bundle of joy, moment for which I waited for nine long months; time flies she’s four now”. But it was not easy as a single mother to raise a baby; first few months were really difficult, added Geeta. Being a new parent and on top of that, being single is very difficult as there is a lot of societal  pressure of being a good parent to your infant moreover, being single adds on to the extra difficulty in  parenting as you have to manage both work and the baby, says the mother of four year old.  Like any other new mother, Geeta was also enjoying every bit spent with her daughter Rhea. “It was the greatest feeling I’ve ever felt in my life, watching her grow slowly into a big baby” says the mommy. During Geeta’s office hours, her mother would take care of her granddaughter. But as per the saying “life is not always perfect like a road”, Geeta’s life took a toll on her when her mother realized that Rhea is not growing as a normal child would grow. “She was about to turn two but she never babbled like any other child, she would not respond by being called up on; I talked to one of my friend, who said it is normal, you are worrying for nothing! But being a mother I panicked if something is wrong with my baby” said Geeta. It’s not easy to stop worrying for your child, like any other parent, she hopped for help. “I contacted one of the best pediatricians of my city and booked an appointment quickly as the thought of her slow growth would never go out of my head which started reflecting on my work.

On meeting with the doctor, after some check up and general questions regarding her growth milestones and her behavior, he stated that she is suffering from  Autism Spectrum Disorder. He had broken the worst news possible on this Planet! To which I still don’t want to believe”, said the teary eyed Geeta. Rhea was only 23.5 months old, when diagnosed with Autism, the disorder I barely knew before the doctor told me about it, she added further. Even a single prick or slight fever can make a parent go gaga over the thought what should be done to get their baby treated, which was not very different in case of Geeta, whose baby was diagnosed with the Autism disorder, of which not everyone is aware of, at the tender age of two. “I surfed a lot about Autism Treatment on the internet, read lot of journals, met many pediatricians, NGO workers to know more about this disorder, and I came to know that I was not the only parent going through this turmoil, there are millions of children like my daughter, around the globe. I made contacts with many mums going under the same stress of getting their baby treated with this disorder, which has affected my angel”, said Geeta. “With help of my mother, healthcare professionals and nannies in child care centre near my home, I managed to train her some basics;, as she grew older she started mumbling few words that made no sense at all, watching her grow like this made me really tensed and disheartened, that was the worst phase of my life”, Geeta added further. Watching your child struggling with basic routine life things is really a very difficult and sad situation, but this is now a part of most parents’ lives. Children with Autism usually avoid playing with others of their age; they get really cranky and want help for basic routine tasks, which makes them really special.

“To make her comfortable with others, I thought getting her into the playschool will help her to gain confidence and learn new things with children of her age. But to my disgrace, it was the worst decision of my life, the playschool made her really cranky and instead of making bonds with other kids, teachers found her little isolated in the playgroup. It was a struggle to send her to playschool as she would not leave the house. Due to her behavior with other kids and teachers the school authorities called me up and said she is a special baby and requires occupational therapy which is not possible for our teachers”, said Geeta. With little help and resources, it is always difficult for parents of children with such disorders to find suitable treatment for their children in developing country like India. “I was really hesitant with the treatment options available due to the side effects and her tender age, also she was very cranky and a picky eater, special diets were hard to follow due to her choices and it is really hard to feed a child of her age anyhow” With little helps from special centers and doctors I somehow managed to get her to eat good things but only diet was not the solution for the disorder, added Geeta. In resource limited country like India, it is difficult for all to have access to best therapy centres, doctors and medicine options. “I was very tired of searching a good speech therapist for my daughter to get her speak efficiently and behave like a normal baby would do, I believe authorities should look into this matter, as it is not something to be ignored, says Geeta who struggled a lot for finding suitable therapy for her angel.


Speech therapy, special diets were not enough for my baby as I was not sure if she was getting any better; thinking of her future as an autistic child would wake me up at most nights. I was scared for her, Will she ever lead a normal life? What if? All of these random questions kept my head full. One night after work, while reading a blog I came to know about Stem cells therapy, which I surely heard before but never, knew it can do miracles in conditions like Autism, said Geeta. After reading that blog, I though the whole night, if that therapy can help my baby as well. Next day as soon as I got home, I searched more about Stem cell therapy for Autism on the internet and found many journals on the same. Out of all the articles on the Internet, one which intrigued me was  Advancells – Stem Cell Therapies. They had given a very detailed explanation of Autism Treatment along with the case studies they had done and the miraculous results they had. I was convinced by them and gave them a call.

After talking to Advancells on  stem cell therapy for Autism , I made my mind to get this therapy done for my daughter, she added further. I also discussed about this therapy with my mother but she was little skeptical about using cells for treatment rather than medicines. I later talked with Rhea’s pediatrician and found out this is something not new in India, added the doting mother.  With advent of regenerative medicine, treatment of incurable diseases is getting much awaited attention, since it reduces dependency on therapists and doctors.  After discussing a lot, I finally opted for stem cell therapy at Advancells, in which stem cells from patient’s own body or from others are being transplanted which reduces marked inflammation and manages tissue repair in affected organ, said Geeta, who is now talking like professionals. After few weaks, I started seeing changes in my Rhea’s behavior, she is much attentive now and seems happy, added Geeta. “Now life seems normal-like ” said the happy grandma, who was skeptical about the stem cell therapy.

Doctor said that she has seen improvements in Rhea . But was it easy for her to find stem cell therapy clinics/centres in a developing country like India, for getting a treatment for her daughter Rhea? It was really difficult for me to find trustworthy labs and staff for stem cell therapy as they say medicine is the new business than providing health, said Geeta. So what she did? How did she found a lab/centre worthy of her trust? It is always important to get treatment from certified professionals of centre/laboratory of repute, added Geeta. Now she is relaxed, as she feels her daughter is improving.

WHAT Advancells CAN DO?

If you are reading this blog you must be worried for your child like Geeta. Do not worry! As they say there is a solution for every problem. Advancells is a cGMP lab with professionals of repute and over the year is serving patients with utmost care. Stem Cell Therapy is not new but since, many people are unaware of the fact that Autism is treatable with stem cells this medicine remains a talk for only professionals.  But Advancells is creating Autism Awareness and showing to the world that Autism Treatment is possible!
