Macular Degeneration/Eye Disease

Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Vision is, undoubtedly, our most crucial sense; we count on it to successfully navigate our environment. Blindness has an enormous influence on a person’s life, but many of the conditions that cause it are difficult or impossible to treat right now. The causes...
Optic Nerve Atrophy: Causes, Symptoms And Regenerative Therapy
Eyes are the door to the outside world, but what if your outside world comes with a blur? The optic nerve behind your eyes is the most vital quotient for your vision as it helps the brain to visualize your perception, but glaucoma, tumor, injury, or blood loss can...
Is Stargardt’s Disease Blurring Your Vision?
Our eyes are the window to this world. A blurred vision can be traumatizing emotionally and mentally. This can be attributed to several reasons including damage in retina. The retina is the portion of the eye responsible for sensing light and transmitting the...
Stem Cell Therapy Restores Vision in Person having Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
Our eyes are one of the most valuable sense organs that enable us to see this beautiful….

Stem Cell Therapy for Corneal Regeneration- Sight is the most important aspect….
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