Stem Cell Research for Cerebral Palsy

Stem cells and stem cell-derived exosomes are uniquely formulated to mitigate brain damage due to hypoxia.

This advanced formulation can be helpful in the suppression of inflammatory response, down-regulation of damage-inducing DNAs, and upregulation of DNA repair genes to facilitate faster recovery.

Stem Cells for Cerebral Palsy Treatment

For neurodegenerative conditions like Cerebral Palsy, experts are relying upon stem cells and exosomes that can maneuver the expansion and differentiation potential of resident stem cells to promote regeneration of dead/damaged neurons that were lost due to external assaults, like hypoxia during birth. Advancells has developed a robust yet quality controlled technique to culture stem cells at a mass scale along with their exosomes to obtain desired effects in Cerebral Palsy.

Stem Cells for Cerebral Palsy: Advancells Protocol

The primary goals of the unique combinational protocol of cell-based therapies suggested at Advancells are to replenish cells that are damaged, restore circulatory growth and anti-inflammatory modules, and normalize the microenvironment to regulate the activity of the central nervous system for better clinical outcomes. In today’s era of personalized treatment lot of factors are taken into consideration, depending upon individual need; before suggesting a comprehensive treatment plan. Being GMP compliant facility, all our protocols are audited for compliance and quality. Our therapeutic-grade extracellular vesicles are loaded with specific proteins for better cellular communication, epigenetic changes, and a higher degree of regeneration. This proprietary technology platform is helpful in better clinical outcomes.

Procedure of Treatment of Cerebral Palsy through Stem Cells Therapy

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Treatment Qualification

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Source Extraction

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Processing of stem cells

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Cerebral Palsy is a group of neurodegenerative disorders, characterized by decreased ability to move, balance maintain posture. Depending upon the area of the brain affected cerebral palsy can further be classified into different types
Stiff, tight muscles on both sides of the body
Limited mobility
Abnormal gait/posture
Crossed knees
Walking on tiptoes
Squinting and/or uncontrollable eye movements
Developmental delays
Abnormal posture, uncontrollable body movements
Possible difficulties with swallowing food
Excessive involuntary movements
Pain during abnormal movements
Poor coordination
Walking unsteadily
Poor balance
Difficulty with fine motor tasks
Changes in speech
Involuntary back-and-forth eye movements
Developmental delays
Excessive muscle flexibility
Difficulty chewing or swallowing
Flexible joints and ligaments
Lack of head control
Cerebral Palsy is a group of non-progressive neuromuscular disorders caused due to complications during pregnancy and the birthing process. With years of aggressive research, scientists can confirm various factors that are responsible for abnormal brain damage during the gestational period, which may increase the chances of cerebral palsy.
  • Children with low birth weight, less than 5.5 pounds at birth may have a greater chance of developing cerebral palsy; later in life.
  • Children, who were born before the 37th week of pregnancy due to pregnancy-induced complications like fluctuating blood pressure, high diabetes, jaundice, etc. may exhibit higher chances of developing cerebral palsy.
  • Children with multiple births, like twins, triplets, etc. particularly after the process of IVF can display higher chances of cerebral palsy. Most of these risks are explained during the consultation.
  • Vaginal infections during pregnancy can increase inflammation due to the secretion of certain cytokines and other proteins; which may circulate in the blood and degenerate other organs as well. This may increase the chances of cerebral palsy.
  • Jaundice or acute cholestasis during pregnancy can increase the chances of premature birth; thereby increasing the risk of cerebral palsy.
  • Mothers with thyroid problems, intellectual disability, or seizures are at higher risk of having a child with cerebral palsy.
  • Other birth complications like detachment of the placenta, uterine rupture, and problems with the umbilical cord during birth may disrupt the oxygen supply to the baby causing severe brain damage and/or cerebral palsy.
Studies have indicated that stem cell-induced brain plasticity is very crucial to regulating the pathophysiology of damaged brain and the treatment of cerebral palsy. This feature has directed us towards functional recoveries and rehabilitation therapies that aim to capitalize on optimum physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological as well as social functioning. We believe in Bobath Approach which is also known as neurodevelopmental treatment and is developed by Bobath in the 1940s; and has been acknowledged by industry experts for accurate assessments and effectiveness.
Strength Training Muscular weakness is a preliminary impairment observed in the case of CP. Our strength training programs help strengthen muscles without any adverse events. It also helps to gain good balance and posture for improved functional motor performance.
Sensory IntegrationSome kids are oversensitive to certain types of stimulation. Due to this sensory overload, the human brain fails to process information at the same time. At the same time, some children with CP are undersensitive and do not process sensory information at all. In either case, our sensory integration programs help to be more organized and structured; to be able to process all senses together with more efficiency.
Endurance TrainingWe have also observed that children with CP display a very low degree of endurance in cardiovascular exercises and stamina-building exercises. This can lead to a negative health outcome. Our endurance training program can effectively physical fitness for leading a better quality of life.
Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapyIt provides a higher concentration of oxygen delivered in a chamber with higher atmospheric pressure. The condition initiates hypoxia in the brain to facilitate improved oxygenated blood flow towards the brain, hence indirectly improving the flow of stem cells towards the target.
Diet Education and CounsellingFor some children with CP, certain dietary changes have reportedly produced dramatic differences in the symptomatic exhibition and functional improvements. With good scientific investigation, experts believe that children with CP are to be evaluated for certain dietary modifications, either in combination or alone; in order to evaluate significant functional improvement in the brain.
HydrotherapyHydrotherapy, also known as aquatic therapy involves therapeutic immersion of the body in water and performing physical exercises against altered density, gravity, and hydrostatic pressure of water to promote physical changes. It has been identified to be beneficial in better muscular strength and functional improvements.

Since stem cells can rejuvenate and differentiate into a variety of cell types, stem cells have the potential to manage various neurological conditions including cerebral palsy. A lot of evidence from pre-clinical and clinical research suggests the efficacy of stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy:

Worldwide Clinical Studies using Stem Cells obtained from different sources

75% of children have observed increases in muscle tone post-therapy

We have effectively used stem cell therapy and exosome technology to provide successful therapy to our patients dealing with cerebral palsy. Check out some of our successful cerebral palsy testimonials and improvements witnessed by our patients:

  • Thermishaa Soman, 4 year old Cerebral Palsy with Cortical Visual Impairment

    Thermishaa was born on 4th December 2013, as a normal full term baby. When she was 11 months old, her mom noticed that Thermishaa was not as active as the other children of her age would be! At the specified age, Thermishaa was not hitting any milestones, which…

  • Martin Marinov, Cerebral Palsy Patient Treatment Story

    Martin Marinov is a 5 year old child from Bulgaria who was delivered as a preterm baby and suffered asphyxia during childbirth. Unfortunately, the loss of oxygen for a few precious seconds resulted in some brain damage to the child leading to a condition known as…

  • Jona Ghelli, 16 years, Cerebral Palsy

    Home Country: Holliston, Massachusetts, USA Diagnosis Jona Ghelli, a 16-year-old, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and microcephaly which results in significant cognitive and physical impairments. She also suffers from a seizure disorder. Microcephaly is a…

Cerebral Palsy is a group of neurodegenerative disorders, characterized by decreased ability to move, balance maintain posture. Depending upon the area of the brain affected cerebral palsy can further be classified into different types:

Stiff, tight muscles on both sides of the body
Stiff, tight muscles on both sides of the body

Limited mobility
Limited mobility

Abnormal gait/posture
Abnormal gait/posture

Crossed knees
Crossed knees

Walking on tiptoes
Walking on tiptoes


Squinting and/or uncontrollable eye movements
Squinting and/or uncontrollable eye movements

Developmental delays
Developmental delays

Abnormal posture, uncontrollable body movements
Abnormal posture, uncontrollable body movements

Possible difficulties with swallowing food
Possible difficulties with swallowing food

Excessive involuntary movements
Excessive involuntary movements

Pain during abnormal movements
Pain during abnormal movements

Poor coordination
Poor coordination

Walking unsteadily
Walking unsteadily

Poor balance
Poor balance

Difficulty with fine motor tasks
Difficulty with fine motor tasks

Problems in muscles coordination
Changes in speech

Involuntary back-and-forth eye movements
Involuntary back-and-forth eye movements


Developmental delays
Developmental delays

Excessive muscle flexibility
Excessive muscle flexibility

Difficulty chewing or swallowing
Difficulty chewing or swallowing

Flexible joints and ligaments
Flexible joints and ligaments

Lack of head control
Lack of head control

Cerebral Palsy is a group of non-progressive neuromuscular disorders caused due to complications during pregnancy and the birthing process. With years of aggressive research, scientists can confirm various factors that are responsible for abnormal brain damage during the gestational period, which may increase the chances of cerebral palsy.

  • Children with low birth weight, less than 5.5 pounds at birth may have a greater chance of developing cerebral palsy; later in life.
  • Children, who were born before the 37th week of pregnancy due to pregnancy-induced complications like fluctuating blood pressure, high diabetes, jaundice, etc. may exhibit higher chances of developing cerebral palsy.
  • Children with multiple births, like twins, triplets, etc. particularly after the process of IVF can display higher chances of cerebral palsy. Most of these risks are explained during the consultation.
  • Vaginal infections during pregnancy can increase inflammation due to the secretion of certain cytokines and other proteins; which may circulate in the blood and degenerate other organs as well. This may increase the chances of cerebral palsy.
  • Jaundice or acute cholestasis during pregnancy can increase the chances of premature birth; thereby increasing the risk of cerebral palsy.
  • Mothers with thyroid problems, intellectual disability, or seizures are at higher risk of having a child with cerebral palsy.
  • Other birth complications like detachment of the placenta, uterine rupture, and problems with the umbilical cord during birth may disrupt the oxygen supply to the baby causing severe brain damage and/or cerebral palsy.

Studies have indicated that stem cell-induced brain plasticity is very crucial to regulating the pathophysiology of damaged brain and the treatment of cerebral palsy. This feature has directed us towards functional recoveries and rehabilitation therapies that aim to capitalize on optimum physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological as well as social functioning. We believe in Bobath Approach which is also known as neurodevelopmental treatment and is developed by Bobath in the 1940s; and has been acknowledged by industry experts for accurate assessments and effectiveness.

Strength Training
Strength Training

Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration

Endurance Training
Endurance Training

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Diet Education and Counselling
Diet Education and Counselling



Since stem cells can rejuvenate and differentiate into a variety of cell types, stem cells have the potential to manage various neurological conditions including cerebral palsy. A lot of evidence from pre-clinical and clinical research suggests the efficacy of stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy:

Worldwide Clinical Studies using Stem Cells obtained from different sources

Improvement in clinical signs and symptoms

We have effectively used stem cell therapy and exosome technology to provide successful therapy to our patients dealing with cerebral palsy. Check out some of our successful cerebral palsy testimonials and improvements witnessed by our patients:

  • Thermishaa Soman, 4 year old Cerebral Palsy with Cortical Visual Impairment

    Thermishaa was born on 4th December 2013, as a normal full term baby. When she was 11 months old, her mom noticed that Thermishaa was not as active as the other children of her age would be! At the specified age, Thermishaa was not hitting any milestones, which…

  • Martin Marinov, Cerebral Palsy Patient Treatment Story

    Martin Marinov is a 5 year old child from Bulgaria who was delivered as a preterm baby and suffered asphyxia during childbirth. Unfortunately, the loss of oxygen for a few precious seconds resulted in some brain damage to the child leading to a condition known as…

  • Jona Ghelli, 16 years, Cerebral Palsy

    Home Country: Holliston, Massachusetts, USA Diagnosis Jona Ghelli, a 16-year-old, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and microcephaly which results in significant cognitive and physical impairments. She also suffers from a seizure disorder. Microcephaly is a…

Must Read Articles on Cerebral Palsy

Hope and Limitations: Exploring Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Hope and Limitations: Exploring Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most complex neurological disorders affecting motor function. It is often accompanied by other impairments like communication, sensory processing, and muscle coordination. The condition takes its toll by affecting infants or children...

Athetoid Cerebral Palsy: Innovative Treatment Approaches
Athetoid Cerebral Palsy: Innovative Treatment Approaches

Cerebral palsy is a group of lifelong movement disorders that appear early in childhood. This condition happens when the developing brain is damaged during or just before birth. It leads to children not having the ability to control movement, muscle tone, balance, and...

What are the Characteristics of Locomotor Disability?
What are the Characteristics of Locomotor Disability?

What is the Meaning of Locomotor Disability? When we think of movement and mobility, we often take it for granted. But for individuals with cerebral palsy, movement can be a constant challenge. Locomotor disability related to cerebral palsy can greatly impact an...

0verall Improvement of Cerebral Palsy Disease through Stem Cells

A lot of trials are going on currently worldwide, however, with specified inclusion and exclusion criteria the current meta-analysis is done on eight relevant trials (Henna SE.; 2008). Four of these trials are conducted in the United States, one is in China, and three are conducted in Korea. The risk of bias was assessed in an individual study using Cochrane criteria, ranging from low to high. Although no significant risk is observed in all 8 studies, the data is estimated to be insufficient to propose the risk of publication bias (Sun JM. et. al;2017). All trials applied standardized scales to assess the neurodevelopmental outcome, including fine and motor skills, cognitive functions, and spasticity.

In conclusion, stem cell therapy for CP shows a significant positive effect on gross motor functions, although the magnitude of improvement is variable. Overall the novel treatment seems safe, but long-term study outcomes are still lacking. Download


Advancells is a strong advocate of greater transparency in medical procedures in general and Stem Cells Procedures in particular. We do not have any medical doctors on our payroll and we do not give any medical opinion or conduct medical procedures at our premises. We are a CGMP compliant cell manufacturing facility and provide each client a Third Party Certificate (from an internationally accredited lab) for the cell count and viability of our cells. View sample Certificate