Stem Cells to Treat Stroke

The Stem Cells-Exosome combined complex validates the saying that

A Comeback Should Always Be Stronger Than A Setback

A cutting-edge, therapeutic solution to offer post-stroke neuroprotection leading to improved functional outcomes.

Stem Cells for Stroke Treatment

Stroke increases the susceptibility to neuronal damage leading to an overall loss in cognitive and motor functions. Following the acute phase of stroke, patients are currently recommended thrombolytic agents; nevertheless, many patients have enduring effects. While stem cell therapy post infusion can incorporate into the host brain and replace dead/damaged brain cells, reduce lesion size, and inhibit cell death suggesting an important role in cell-induced neuroprotection, immunomodulation, and downregulation of inflammatory responses.

Stem Cells For Stroke: Advancells Protocol

Several clinical trials are supporting the rationale use of stem cells isolated from some of the most potent available sources of mesenchymal stem cells. These trials are further supporting evidence that stem cell therapy, when combined with clot-busting and mechanical thrombectomy and infused through distant arteries or veins can travel to the site of a stroke to fuel repair processes.

Advancells is a research-oriented company working on exploiting panoramic applications of regenerative medicine using a variety of stem cells and exosomes isolated from them. Recent studies have indicated a prompt recovery in neurological processes. As per previous clinical investigations, the optimum time for introducing stem cells and exosome therapy seems to be between 36 hrs and 72 hrs after stroke.

The Procedure Of Treatment Of Stroke Through Stem Cell Therapy

Treatment Qualification

Source Extraction

Processing of stem cells


With a more in-depth understanding of various underlying mechanisms, on a broader aspect stroke can be classified into five different types, noted as:
Sudden numbness on the face, arm, and legs on one side of the body
Problems speaking or understanding
Loss of balance, coordination
Visual loss
Trouble walking
Intense headache
Frequent nausea or throwing up
Light sensitivity
Visual impairment
Passing out
Numbness or weakness on one side of the body
Loss of balance
Trouble talking or understanding
Visual impairment
Severe headaches
Vertigo or dizziness
Double vision
Slurry speech
Frequent passing out
High blood pressure, heavy breathing
“Locked In” syndrome, can only move eyes
Irregular heartbeats
Unexplained chest discomfort
Shortness of breath
Extreme weakness on one side of the body
In the majority of reported stroke cases, obstruction of oxygenated blood supply to the brain is observed as the primary cause of stroke. Without oxygen in the blood, brain cells start dying leading to ischemia. In some other forms of stroke, like hemorrhagic stroke, brain cells die due to injury and bleeding in the brain. However, one should note that managing some of the controllable risk factors noted herewith can keep you away from a stroke. These risk factors include:

  • Consistently high cholesterol
  • Chronic high blood pressure
  • Previous history of heart disease
  • Long term smoking
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Long-term excessive alcohol abuse
  • Sleep apnea
  • Thyroid disorders

Apart from the above-listed controllable risk factors, certain non-controllable risk factors are noted herewith. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can prevent the risk of stroke.

  • Chronic dementia
  • Family history
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Congenital metabolic syndrome
  • Chronic diabetes mellitus
  • Chronic neurological illnesses
Your stroke treatment should begin immediately after being admitted to the emergency department; and should primarily be categorized into three parts, i.e. prevention of another stroke, definitive treatment to limit brain damage, and rehabilitation to treat the side effects of stroke.
Accordingly, we are suggesting a neurorehabilitation program that is carefully directed, well-focused and customized depending upon the skills that are lost or weakened during the process. On a general note, the suggested rehabilitation program includes:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Immediate administration of HBOT can improve the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain, further reducing brain swelling and protecting brain cells from damage. Regular sessions of HBOT can also help minimize sleep distress for a better outcome.
AcupunctureWith the application of electric stimulation and pressure at specific trigger points, acupuncture post-stroke rehabilitation reported positive outcomes. Studies have indicated improved problems with pain, spasticity, and improved physical and cognitive functions.
PhysiotherapyPhysiotherapy has been very helpful for stroke survivors to relearn lost abilities, regain independence, and reduce the risk of further stroke. Studies have reported physiotherapy to be important for functional recovery and mobility after stroke.
Diet and NutritionA well-balanced diet supplemented with various beneficial nutraceuticals can support speedy recovery by boosting brain health. It is advisable to plan your diet with expert help, as some supplements can interfere with medications and worsen your health status.
Psychological counselingA lot of emotional and behavioral changes are reported in stroke survivors. However, the good news is that many disabilities and emotional turbulence tend to improve post-stroke with proper psychological counseling.
Massage TherapyMassage therapy can help decrease paralysis/weakness of one side, improve sensation, increase coordination, decrease swelling and reduce stress.

Stem cell and exosome therapy hold tremendous promise to effectively improve damaged brain functions; because of their ability to differentiate into brain cells, reduce inflammatory cytokines and stimulate resident stem cells for a better paracrine response. As per previous studies, a lot of collected data supports speedy functional recovery in stroke survivors post stem cell therapy. They have further suggested:

Worldwide Clinical Studies using Stem Cells obtained from different sources

70% people have reported increased survival functions on an average with 87.76 months

With the administration of stem cells and exosomes, the primary goal is to offer speedy recovery, reduce the level of inflammation and regain functional attributes lost.

  • Paul Borgmann, 42 years, Stroke Patient

    Date of birth: 1964 Occupation: Programmer Marital status: Married, two sons (16 and 18) Disease treated: Stroke How it happened It happened in 2004 during the night when I was at home. I felt unwell, as I had been suffering from a weeklong headache. My wife called…

  • Ton, 63 years, Hemorrhagic Stroke

    Date of birth: 1943 Occupation: Municipal employee. Marital status: Married, two sons. Disease treated: Hemorrhagic stroke. How it happened It happened in April 2003. I was on my way into the dining room when I suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, my wife realised that I…

  • Patient story of Alvin Mueller, 84 years, Stroke

    Year of birth: 1923 Occupation: Retired Disease treated: stroke How it started “The feeling in my left arm and leg returned” At the age of 81, I suffered a stroke. The severe neurological damage caused the left side of my body, especially my left leg, arm but also my…

  • Preston Plevretes, 22 years, Stroke and severe brain injury

    Date of birth: 1986 Treatment date: 4-October-2007 Release date patient story: 25-November-2008 Treatment method: Lumbar puncture, muscle injections – Told by Preston’s mother Tammy Plevretes – Severe brain injury at a college football game Our son Preston was just…

  • Keith Buller, 57 years, Stroke Treatment Story

    Date of birth: 1951 Family: 4 children Occupation: Disabled, former exterminator Disease treated: Stroke Stroke following tooth infection A tooth infection got into my blood stream and developed into an endocarditis, which clogged my heart muscle and resulted in a…

  • Damla Uludag, 15 years, Stroke

    Home: Oss, Holland How It Happened On December 28, 2006, Damla experienced a cramp in her head and felt to the ground. When she tried to stand up again, she had no feelings in her left arm and leg. She fainted and an epileptic seizure followed. Damla stayed in the…


Sudden numbness on the face, arm, and legs on one side of the body
Sudden numbness on the face, arm, and legs on one side of the body


Problems speaking or understanding
Problems speaking or understanding

Loss of balance, coordination
Loss of balance, coordination

Visual loss
Visual loss

Trouble walking
Trouble walking

Intense headache
Intense headache


Frequent nausea or throwing up
Frequent nausea or throwing up

Light sensitivity
Light sensitivity

Visual impairment
Visual impairment

Passing out
Passing out

Numbness or weakness on one side of the body
Numbness or weakness on one side of the body


Loss of balance
Loss of balance

Trouble talking or understanding
Trouble talking or understanding

Visual impairment
Visual impairment

Severe headaches
Severe headaches

Vertigo or dizziness
Vertigo or dizziness

Double vision
Double vision

Slurry speech
Slurry speech

Frequent passing out
Frequent passing out

High blood pressure, heavy breathing
High blood pressure, heavy breathing

Locked In syndrome, can only move eyes
“Locked In” syndrome, can only move eyes

Irregular heartbeats
Irregular heartbeats

Unexplained chest discomfort
Unexplained chest discomfort



Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath

Extreme weakness on one side of the body
Extreme weakness on one side of the body

In the majority of reported stroke cases, obstruction of oxygenated blood supply to the brain is observed as the primary cause of stroke. Without oxygen in the blood, brain cells start dying leading to ischemia. In some other forms of stroke, like hemorrhagic stroke, brain cells die due to injury and bleeding in the brain. However, one should note that managing some of the controllable risk factors noted herewith can keep you away from a stroke. These risk factors include:


  • Consistently high cholesterol
  • Chronic high blood pressure
  • Previous history of heart disease
  • Long term smoking
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Long-term excessive alcohol abuse
  • Sleep apnea
  • Thyroid disorders

Apart from the above-listed controllable risk factors, certain non-controllable risk factors are noted herewith. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can prevent the risk of stroke.

  • Chronic dementia
  • Family history
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Congenital metabolic syndrome
  • Chronic diabetes mellitus
  • Chronic neurological illnesses

Your stroke treatment should begin immediately after being admitted to the emergency department; and should primarily be categorized into three parts, i.e. prevention of another stroke, definitive treatment to limit brain damage, and rehabilitation to treat the side effects of stroke.
Accordingly, we are suggesting a neurorehabilitation program that is carefully directed, well-focused and customized depending upon the skills that are lost or weakened during the process. On a general note, the suggested rehabilitation program includes:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy



Diet and Nutrition
Diet and Nutrition

Psychological counseling
Psychological counseling

Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy


Stem cell and exosome therapy hold tremendous promise to effectively improve damaged brain functions; because of their ability to differentiate into brain cells, reduce inflammatory cytokines and stimulate resident stem cells for a better paracrine response. As per previous studies, a lot of collected data supports speedy functional recovery in stroke survivors post stem cell therapy. They have further suggested:

Worldwide Clinical Studies using Stem Cells obtained from different sources

70% people have reported increased survival functions on an average with 87.76 months

With the administration of stem cells and exosomes, the primary goal is to offer speedy recovery, reduce the level of inflammation and regain functional attributes lost.

  • Paul Borgmann, 42 years, Stroke Patient

    Date of birth: 1964 Occupation: Programmer Marital status: Married, two sons (16 and 18) Disease treated: Stroke How it happened It happened in 2004 during the night when I was at home. I felt unwell, as I had been suffering from a weeklong headache. My wife called…

  • Ton, 63 years, Hemorrhagic Stroke

    Date of birth: 1943 Occupation: Municipal employee. Marital status: Married, two sons. Disease treated: Hemorrhagic stroke. How it happened It happened in April 2003. I was on my way into the dining room when I suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, my wife realised that I…

  • Patient story of Alvin Mueller, 84 years, Stroke

    Year of birth: 1923 Occupation: Retired Disease treated: stroke How it started “The feeling in my left arm and leg returned” At the age of 81, I suffered a stroke. The severe neurological damage caused the left side of my body, especially my left leg, arm but also my…

  • Preston Plevretes, 22 years, Stroke and severe brain injury

    Date of birth: 1986 Treatment date: 4-October-2007 Release date patient story: 25-November-2008 Treatment method: Lumbar puncture, muscle injections – Told by Preston’s mother Tammy Plevretes – Severe brain injury at a college football game Our son Preston was just…

  • Keith Buller, 57 years, Stroke Treatment Story

    Date of birth: 1951 Family: 4 children Occupation: Disabled, former exterminator Disease treated: Stroke Stroke following tooth infection A tooth infection got into my blood stream and developed into an endocarditis, which clogged my heart muscle and resulted in a…

  • Damla Uludag, 15 years, Stroke

    Home: Oss, Holland How It Happened On December 28, 2006, Damla experienced a cramp in her head and felt to the ground. When she tried to stand up again, she had no feelings in her left arm and leg. She fainted and an epileptic seizure followed. Damla stayed in the…

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How Frequent Napping Linked to High Blood Pressure and Stroke?

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Stroke, the leading cause of death and lifetime disability, devastating the lives of millions all around the world currently. Fortunately, for many of us stroke may seem to be bizarre, yet many of these stroke survivors have managed to get back on track quickly; well,...

Meta-analysis of Treating Stroke with Stem Cells

The studies ongoing worldwide have reported that stem cell therapy can significantly improve neurological illnesses including stroke without severely noted adverse reactions. The results also suggested that stem cell therapy for stroke can be more effective if provided immediately after the incidence. The present meta-analysis was performed on 11 preclinical analyses, 18 independent interventions, and 11 clinical studies. The final reporting was done based on lesion volumes and modified neurological severity scores (mNSS) (Quian Ouyang; 2019). For further information on stem cell therapy for stroke.


Advancells is a strong advocate of greater transparency in medical procedures in general and Stem Cells Procedures in particular. We do not have any medical doctors on our payroll and we do not give any medical opinion or conduct medical procedures at our premises. We are a CGMP compliant cell manufacturing facility and provide each client a Third Party Certificate (from an internationally accredited lab) for the cell count and viability of our cells. View sample Certificate