Mr. Ramesh Sharma, was 60 years old when he diagnosed with the Type 1 Diabetes. As he was a fit and healthy man, it was quiet a shocking news for his family member. Considering it as an old age disease, Ramesh began to undergo a classical treatment to control his diabetes. Albeit, he was never been educated by his medical practitioners as to what precautions should be taken to prevent another complications associated with the disease. This unfortunately left him with the severe wound on his right leg!
“I was on vacation and when I returned home; I discovered a blister on my right toe! I ignored it as the normal one. However upon awaking one morning, I could notice that my foot was swollen and pink. I put a bandage around it, after my shower and started doing my routine course of work. By the time, I could notice that the wound is paining than the normal, it turned out to be a severe and smelly staph infection. I went to the emergency clinic and started taking a heavy doses of antibiotic! I took this as a “wake up call” as due to my ignorance, I experienced the drastic complication of the disease.”
Over the period of time, the small blister on his foot turned into a serious non healing wound! As he was experiencing an advanced case of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy; a common side effect of Diabetes.
“It was seriously awful, many people were sympathizing me but no one would ever be able to understand, what it feels when suddenly your freedom is lost; where you can’t do what you want to do.”
Because of the vascular damage, the flow of blood in the foot was almost restricted. It was thus impossible for his doctors to treat his disease with antibiotics as antibiotics must be carried by the blood stream at the site of injury. So the infected wound festered for months and eventually turned gangrenous.Mr. Sharma visited to many doctors, who expressed almost the same opinion to amputate his toe to spare his life from resultant sepsis. However, Mr. Sharma didn’t want to lose his leg so kept on seeking different opinions.
“However the team of Advancells and my specialist seem to had an idea about how he might be able to save my leg! It was a new treatment but was worth taking and wh
at happened next was nothing short of miracle! I am so grateful to be back to my regular routine slowly yet steadily”
Fig 1:- Diabetic Leg showing black external surface of the wound, illustrating chronic dry gangrene.
Fig 2:- The wound appreared to be slightly swollen and reddish due to initiation of acute inflammation, after the PRP treatment.
Fig 3:- Complete debridement of the wound observed, indicating removal of dead, necrotic tissue and foreign matter.
Fig.4:- The scar appeared to be stretched and contracted implying the initiation of wound maturation by cross linked structure of collagen, epithelization and cellular proliferation.
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