
Stem Cell Therapy FAQ / Glossary

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    General Information

    What happens if the stem cells stored are not maintained properly and are not good enough for transplantation?
    With the introduction of cryopreservation technology, the concept of storing and banking of stem cells came into existence. The cryopreservation technique includes the freezing, storing, and thawing of cells to have viable number of cells for therapeutic use or research when required. For a cryopreservation technique to be successful, there are many factors which need to be taken care of. Following are the critical factors associated with cryopreservation which can affect cells in a negative manner.-Use of cryoprotectants: The cryoprotectant agents are added to prevent damage to prevent osmotic stress or ice crystal formation during freezing; however a small trace of cryoprotrectant, if present during transplantation, can be detrimental to patient.-Low temperature storage: The low storage temperature can cause chilling injuries affecting cell number and viability.-Proper electric power back up: During cryopreservation, cells need to be maintained continuously at low temperature. Fluctuation in storage temperature can affect cell viability.Because of these limiting factors associated with cryopreservation, it is better to have freshly isolated stem cells for therapeutic use. Stem cells can be easily harvested for clinical and research applications from bone marrow, peripheral blood, adipose tissue, cord tissue, dental pulp etc. These sites are easily accessible, economical to harvest and contain large numbers of stem cells. However it may be time consuming process to use fresh stem cells, but it is good to use these cells for therapeutic purpose.
    How can they expect to harvest stem cells from the patient who has a genetic condition and use these stem cells to treat them? If it is a genetic condition, the stem cells will also have the defect that is leading to the condition and such a therapy would be futile.
    Stem cell therapy in medicine is arising as a promising therapeutic option for various incurable diseases. The unique abilities of stem cells to divide into multiple stem cells and differentiate into specialized cells make them apt for the treatment of many diseases. This is the basis of cellular therapy and regenerative medicine, the latest great advancement in healthcare sector. Stem cell based therapies are mainly of two types based on the source of stem cells-Autologous stem cell therapy: where stem cells are harvested from a patient and then returned back to the same patientAllergenic stem cell therapy: where stem cells are isolated form donor and given to patient other than donor.There are many diseases conditions where both autologous and allogenic therapies can be considered equally. Autologous therapies are better choice as they are “custom” products for each patient and no immune rejection problem is associated. However there are some conditions like genetic disorders, allogenic therapy should be preferred. The genetic disorders occur due to defect in genes of cells; that cannot be treated by cells of same patient. These genetic diseases can be treated by the transplantation of normal stem cells where these cells replace the defected cells. For allogenic mesenchymal stem cells therapy, stem cells can be isolated from different adult sources such as adipose tissue, cord tissue etc. The tissue of baby’s umbilical cord is an abundant source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). A significant amount of research is underway to better understand therapeutic role of mesenchymal stem cells in degenerative disorders.
    How Advancells design a successful disease management programme?
    We trust in collaborative Practice Models. In this model, Disease management generally means using a multidisciplinary team of providers, including Primary physicians, Stem cell Experts (physicians and scientists), nurses, nutritionists, physical therapists, and psychologists, to cultivate and help people manage our patient’s conditions.
    Where is the stem cell treatment and surgery performed?
    The treatment is performed at multi-specialty hospitals by a team of expert orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, anesthetists, cardiologists, pediatricians and radiologists. We provide medical supervision of disorder-specific experts, a team of professional nurses for pre and post-surgery care, patient advisors and translators to guarantee a comfortable stay and optimal treatment.
    What is the total expenditure of the treatment?
    The cost of treatment depends on the method of implantation adopted for the respective patient. Each case is treated as a stand alone case and a unique protocol is prepared or each patient based on their individual needs an requirements. As a result there is no possibility of a standard price list and we will have to price each case depending on your condition.
    Is the cost inclusive of flights and hotel expenditure?
    No. The charges do not include expenses such as travel, food and/or accommodation.
    What is duration of stay in India for the treatment?
    Generally, duration of stay in India lasts for 5 – 6 days. The trip should be completed within 8 to 10 days including travel. However, in case of surgical procedures, the period of stay may have to be extended and will be decided on basis of the particular case.
    Is hospitalization necessary for every case?
    Though a few stem cell implantation procedures as well as bone marrow collection can be performed without hospitalization, in order to guarantee the provision of the highest standard of medical care, hospitalization for at least one night is advised. Longer periods of hospitalization may be necessary for surgical procedures, heart disorder treatments & required specialized care. Specialized care involves additional costs.
    Will English speaking patients face communication problems at the hospital?
    Will English speaking patients face communication problems at the hospital?
    How do the stem cells work?
    The biological function of stem cells concerns repairing and regeneration of damaged cells. Stem cell therapy uses this function to its advantage by administering the stem cells systematically directly into the damaged tissue in adequate concentrations to augment self-healing. The process fundamental to this mechanism is unknown to some extent, but assumedly stem cells are designed to discharge certain substances which support the diseased tissue to recuperate. It is also plausible that single somatic cells like single neurocytes present in spinal cord or the endothelium cells present in vessels can be replaced by adult stem cells when damaged. Most scientists have agreed on the fact that the potential of research on stem cell is life-saving and could certainly revolutionize the future of the study and medical treatment of disorders, degenerative diseases and fatal injuries.
    Should one be wary of ethical concerns involving stem cell research or therapy?
    Advancells Stem cell therapy involves autologous stem cells i.e. stem cells of an individual’s own body. So, there are no concerns on moral and ethical grounds.
    How our system continues on maintaining the set goal of patient concern?
    It is reached by routine coverage and feedback between patients, doctors, and other providers on the care team, which assure that patients are effectively managing their conditions and getting the care they require. To boot, we also assess the health plans on the basis of feedback from patients and providers.

    Bone Marrow Collection (BMC)

    How is my bone marrow collected?
    Bone marrow is accumulated from one’s hip bone by mini-puncturing with the use of a fine needle after applying local anesthesia.For children and patients suffering from Alzheimer and Cerebral Palsy, bone marrow is extracted after using general anesthesia.Advancells generally collect about 150-200 ml of bone marrow.
    Does it hurt?
    Slight discomfort during procedure and small bruises around points of needle insertion are natural, but severe pain has neither been observed in any case nor is it expected.
    What is duration of the bone marrow collection procedure?
    It takes about 15-45 minutes in collecting bone marrow.
    What is the bone marrow? Why are stem cells present in it?
    Bone marrow is actually a specific tissue present inside bones. Its main function is production of stem cells, whose task is to produce all the various types of blood cells, especially erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Each stem cell divides infinitely resulting in the formation of millions of new stem cells. The bone marrow present in the hips, chest, skull, legs and upper arms contain most of the stem cells. When the stem cells transform into function-specific cells, they get released in the blood stream. We can also find a smaller count of unsegregated stem cells in the blood stream.
    How many adult stem cells does one receive during treatment?
    It is not possible to actually state the number of stem cells that a patient receives during treatment but the number is large enough to be effective.
    What if one does not get sufficient amount of stem cells?
    We then advise another bone marrow collection which might be liable to additional cost.
    How are the stem cell implanted?

    The various methods to implant stem cell depend on the patient’s condition. There are different ways to administer stem cells:

    • Intravenous administration
    • Administration through catheter with the help angiography
    • Direct channelization to target point like a knee joint
    • Injections utilizing catheter or lumbar puncture targeting the central nervous system
    • Surgical operation for patients having stroke or SCI (Brain-surgery and spinal surgery)
    • Injection through the retrobulbar space
    Are there risks involved with stem cell therapy?

    Generally, autologous stem cell therapy has zero long-term side-effects. However, no surgery is absolutely risk-free. In this therapy, there are risks of anesthetic side-effects, infection, short-term discomfort, uncontrolled bleeding and problems of wound healing. The possible side-effects are disease-oriented and individual-specific. It is advisable to discuss all aspects with the transplant specialist assigned to your case.

    Is there any chance of tumor development post treatment due to side-effects of stem cells therapy?

    The fact that adult stem cells not only augment regeneration of damaged or diseased cells and tissue, but also augment tumor cells formation, although in extremely small quantities, suggests that the possibility of tumors cannot be entirely excluded. There is greater risk in case of embryonic stem cells injected without differentiation as well as with artificially modified cells. But in case of uncultured adult stem cells the risk is very low. Results of animal testing showed zero cancer-causing potential in case of uncultured, autologous, adult stem cells and Advancells uses this type of stem cells exclusively.

    Registration and more

    How can one register for treatment? How does registration for pre-treatment evaluation work?

    Step 1: We advise you to fill your information in Advancells’ Treatment Inquiry Form following which we will send you an email containing more information. You will also receive a secure link to the online Medical Information Form of Advancells.

    Step 2: Shortly after that, you will be contacted via email and/or telephone by a patient representative of ours.

    What is the general schedule for treatment?

    Generally, the bone marrow of a patient is collected on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays. The procedure of implantation is then performed on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays of the same respective week. Most patients are allowed to return home one day following implantation. Surgical treatment cases require a longer stay lasting for a few more days.

    Does Advancells help patients to book flights and seek accommodation as well?

    Yes. Advancells does offer free hotel and flight booking assistance via a global travel agency but strictly on the patient’s request. The agency may charge additional fees for flight booking in some cases.

    How can I get from the airport to my hotel and then to the clinic and back?

    Advancells offers a pick-up and drop facility from the New Delhi Airport to any hotel within the region and an additional ambulance service at reasonable charges

    How can I pay for the treatment?

    We prefer wire transfer before 14 days of your scheduled bone marrow collection. Additional charges, if applicable, are accepted in cash and also by credit card and are to be settled before discharge of the patient.

    It is necessary to deposit a portion of the treatment expenditure for scheduling the treatment.


    To understand the scientific terms involved, go through the glossary.
    The most frequently used scientific terms are as follows:

    Adult stem cells
    Adult stem cells are unspecialized cells inclusive of various kinds of multipotent as well as unipotent cells that are present in specialized tissues of the adult organism. The stem cells renew themselves and divide finitely into all differentiated cell varieties present in their mother-tissue. Bone marrow and blood in umbilical cord of newborns also contain adult stem cells.
    Bone marrow stem cell
    These are multipotent cells found in the bone marrow. The hematopoietic stem cells as well as mesenchymal stem cells are types of bone marrow stem cells.
    CD34-positive cells
    CD34 is a unique molecular structure found on the outer layer of the hematopoietic stem cells acting as markers for the HSCs. The hematopoietic precursors are easily distinguished from different precursors using these markers. “Cluster of differentiation” is abbreviated as CD.
    Cell-based therapies
    Refer to Regenerative medicine below
    Clones are generated identical copies of any organism, molecule or even a cell
    Cord blood stem cells
    The blood vessels in the umbilical cord of a newborn contain cord blood stem cells for a short period post-delivery. These cells originate in the liver during foetal life and move to the bone marrow of a newborn where blood is produced. Cord blood stem cells and the bone marrow stem cells are comparable in their resemblance as well as effectiveness in treating leukemia and other blood diseases.
    Current Good Manufacturing Practice
    “Current Good manufacturing practice” is an essential part of quality management. It ensures constant production and proper checking in accordance with high quality standard that underlies the license documents and specification of products. Advanced manufacturing practices emphasize on quality control. Any company gets its manufacturing license when each and every stage of production and procedure of control is carried out according to the standard rules of manufacturing practice.
    It is the process following which an unspecialized embryonic cell develops the characteristics of specialized cells like those in the liver, heart, muscles or brain.
    It is the product of fertilization of an egg. The term is used for a fertilized egg from fertilization (zygote) till completion of foetal formation, which in case of human lasts for around eight weeks.
    Hematopoietic stem cell
    These are the precursors of mature cells that form blood.
    In vitro
    This term defines the processes that are performed in a laboratory using equipment like a dish, test tubes and requires an artificial environment.
    Mesenchymal stem cells
    These are also known as stromal cells of bone marrow. These are a mixed group non-hematopoietic cells with the capability to grow and differentiate into various other cell types.
    Stem cells with the ability to develop into a few cell types only. Most of the adult stem cells have multipotency. Please see pluripotent as well as totipotent.
    The notable ability common in stem cells allowing them to transform from one cell type to another giving rise to a completely different type of tissue is referred to as plasticity.
    Pluripotency is the feature of an embryonic stem cell by virtue of which it can transform into many other cell types.
    Regenerative medicine
    A treatment involving stem cells where these cells are made to transform and develop into the other specific cell type necessary for repairing damaged or destructed cell populations.
    Stem cells
    These cells have the ability to infinitely divide in culture and play the fundamental role in formation of other specialized as well as unspecialized cell types.
    Tissue Engineering
    Tissue Engineering implies the production of tissue constructions from endogenous somatic cells. Stem cells or other differentiated somatic cells are utilized for the construction. Through this phenomenon, tissues such as skin or cartilage are grown outside the body and later transplanted to the patient.
    Totipotency allows cells to form an entire organism. Only a zygote and the first four cells formed by its division are totipotent.
    Unipotency is the ability common in all differentiated cells which allows them to form only cells of their own type.

    ALS / MND

    What Is ALS?

    ALS is the disease affecting the brain cells popularly known as neurons connecting brain with other parts of the body. These neurons act as messengers to transmit signals from brain to muscles to allow the voluntary movements of the body. Due to some external or internal factors, these cells die or degenerate thereby losing the ability to transmit signals to muscles. This cause the muscles to be weak leading to paralysis.

    What Causes ALS ?

    Is ALS linked to the environment ?

    Is ALS linked to the environment ?

    Clinical studies so far have not found definitive environmental factors that can be linked with ALS apart from some generalized studies relating it to the possible exposure of certain chemicals like lead or mercury.

    Is ALS equally common in both the genders ?

    ALS, which has been induced due to some environmental factors, is observed to be slightly more common in men than in women. However it has also been reported recently that the difference is decreasing over the time. At the same time, familial ALS i.e. ALS associated with the genetic variations is equally common in both the genders.

    Is ALS related to age?

    ALS is generally age related; most of the people find out that they are suffering with ALS when they are between 55-75 years of age.

    How long do people with ALS live?

    Most of the people with ALS have observed to be living for 3 to 5 years after the symptoms can develop. Although the exact life of the person with ALS have been related to age.

    Can ALS be inherited ?

    It has been observed that almost about 5-10% of the total ALS cases are familial ALS i.e. they are mostly caused due to the defect in the gene which is commonly known as "SOD1"

    What is a motor neuron disease?

    ALS falls under a group of conditions known as motor neuron disease. In ALS, muscles involved in the voluntary movements of both upper and lower body are affected. On an average, ALS generally accounts for the 85% of motor neuron diseases.

    Where can I get more information about ALS

    Please go through, our ALS treatment brochure for other ALS related information.


    What Is Autism?

    Autism and autism spectrum disorder is a general term used for a group of complex brain developmental disorders. Although case sensitive, autism is characterized in varying degree by difficulties in social interactions, communication associated with the abnormal repetitive behaviour. The disease is as well integrated with intellectual disabilities, difficulties in motor coordination, attention etc. Many of the diseases, that fall under the same category of autism are classic autism, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder and Asperger syndrome.

    How soon can you detect Autism?

    The problems associated with the brain in Autistic children have their roots in early brain development during the embryonic stage of life, however, the most obvious signs and symptoms of the disease tend to be expressive between 12 to 18 months of age. In fact, some infants can even express them very late by the age of two to three years of life.

    How common is Autism?

    Autism prevalence has been identified to increase ten folds since the past 20 yrs. The centre for disease control has estimated ten million children to be affected worldwide. Studies have also shown that the disorder is more common in boys as compared to girls. It has also been observed that its prevalence is increasing 10 to 17 % each year. Although there is no established reason for this particular rise in prevalence over the year, however, improved diagnosis, diet and environmental influences are the reasons, seemingly responsible for its occurrence.

    What causes Autism?

    The science has identified rare genetic changes or mutation as responsible factors for this particular conditions. Research has identified more than 100 genes, the expression of which can result in an Autism. Additionally, a number of environmental factors are also identified to be increasing the risk of autism. They may include advanced parental age at the time of conception, maternal illness during the pregnancy, extreme prematurity, very low birth weight, certain difficult period of oxygen deprivation to the brain of the baby, during the birth,mothers exposed to high levels of pesticide, air pollution and unusual dietary habits such as alcoholism, smoking etc. All these factors are influencing the condition.

    What are the common symptoms?

    Although each autistic child is different, they can behave or react with a different perspective. Many of them can be exceptionally well in visual skills, music and academic skills. About 40% of them can have hampered intellectual disabilities with their IQ sector less than 70%. About 25% of them have significant disability and are unable to live independently.

    How can it be diagnosed?

    There is no diagnostic test existing to detect the disorder, however, scientists are on the verge of detecting it at the earliest with the help of advanced imaging technology and differences in blood levels of proteins. diagnosis can involve parental inputs, structured and systematic screening of instruments measuring the prevalence of symptoms.

    Is there any treatment available?

    There is no fixed protocol of treatment available for the disease, however, it is always believed that early intervention allows the best outcome. At present rehabilitative therapies, approaches have been identified addressing cognitive and behavioural functioning. They may include a combination of medication, behavioural therapy, psychological education, family support, educational intervention, speech and language therapy etc. These treatments have been proved to be just supplementary without any significant improvements.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Autism related information.


    What causes Parkinson’s Disease?

    Parkinson’s is caused by progressive deterioration of neurons in the brain region known as Substantia Nigra. Neurons when signals normally they produce a kind of neurotransmitter known as Dopamine, which controls smooth and balanced muscular movement. A downregulation of dopamine may result in an abnormal nerve functioning leading to loss of ability controlling body movements.

    What are the risk factors associated with the disease?

    Although the root cause is still unknown, the disorder is mainly associated with the genetic abnormality.

    What are the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?

    Involuntary tremors, shaking voice, nodding head, tremors that worsen during emotional stress and lessen with rest, difficulty with balance, muscular rigidity, changes in walking pattern and posture etc.

    How is it conventionally treated & diagnosed?

    Conventionally drug therapy and physical rehabilitation approach were applied as a treatment for Parkinson's, however, the treatment did not prove to be effective in reversing the damage. Additionally, long-term use of steroidal medicine could be very fatal, welcoming other unwanted side effects.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult autologous stem cells are mutable and can metamorph into a countless number of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with the great speed to restore damaged neurons, regularize the production of neurotransmitters including dopamine to retain the brain’s normal function back. In addition to stem cell therapy, a stimulation therapy can also be applied, wherein the organ is stimulated to multiple resident stem cells and secrete growth factors to create microenvironment. This treatment will act as a booster to promote regeneration.

    Why is stem cells treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    Conventional treatment approaches highly invasive associated with many side effects. Although stem cells can naturally heal the body from damage and regenerate lost neurons to improve impaired functions. Additionally, since the body’s own cells are used for repairing, the entire treatment is minimally invasive without any side effects.

    How do I know if I am the right candidate for the stem cells treatment?

    There are many important issues to be addressed before opting for the treatment, which can satisfy answered only by experts. Thus, it is always advisable to consult and opt for the right stem cells treatment pattern.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Parkinson’s Disease related information.

    Cerebral Palsy

    Is cerebral palsy a disease?

    The term cerebral palsy refers a disorder based in the brain which affects movement. Cerebral refers to the brain, while palsy refers to the interference with movement. The movement difficulties experienced by cerebral palsy patients are due to damage or malformations within in the brain, not by problems in the muscles themselves.

    Are there different types of cerebral palsy?

    There are several different types of cerebral palsy: spastic diplegia, spastic hemiplegia, spastic quadriplegia, athetoid dyskinetic cerebral palsy, choreoathetoid dyskinetic cerebral palsy, dystonic dyskinetic cerebral palsy, ataxic cerebral palsy, hypotonic cerebral palsy, and mixed cerebral palsy.
    The spastic forms of CP are characterized by stiff muscles and muscle spasms. The dyskinetic forms of CP are characterized by involuntary, writhing movements. Ataxic CP, the least disabling of all the forms, is characterized by balance and depth perception problems which make walking difficult. Hypotonic CP is characterized by overly relaxed, "floppy" muscles. As the name implies, mixed CP is characterized by symptoms of two or more forms of the disorder.

    How severely will my child be affected by cerebral palsy?

    The answer depends on the type of CP and the extent of the brain damage or brain malformation which caused it. Impairment from CP ranges from mild to severe. Many people with cerebral palsy lead nearly normal lives, while some CP patients require constant care from others throughout their lives.

    What causes cerebral palsy?

    Cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage or brain malformations. Occasionally genetic abnormalities cause the brain to develop abnormally, but most cases of brain malformation are due to other factors. Exposure to toxins can interfere with the proper development of the unborn baby's brain. Damage to the white matter of the brain is particularly likely to lead to CP. Between 26 and 34 weeks gestation, the unborn baby's brain is especially vulnerable to injury to the white matter, but damage can occur at any point in the pregnancy.

    Infections in the mother or in the unborn baby can lead to brain damage. The inflammation produced as a normal part of the infection-fighting process can cause damage to the baby's developing brain cells. Infections can also trigger strokes in the fetus, leading to oxygen deprivation; prolonged oxygen deprivation can cause brain damage which leads to CP.

    Uncontrolled high blood pressure in the mother during pregnancy puts the fetus at higher risk for a stroke. Extremely low maternal blood pressure can also put the unborn baby at risk for a stroke. Monitoring and controlling the blood pressure is a vital part of good prenatal care.

    Rh incompatibility, a condition in which the fetus' Rh blood type conflicts with the mother's Rh blood type, can also cause cerebral palsy. Rh incompatibility leads to severe jaundice a buildup of bilirubin in the blood which can cause deafness and CP. a Fortunately, Rh incompatibility can be treated if caught in time. In the United States, testing for Rh incompatibility is a regular part of prenatal care, but this is not the situation in many other countries. If you are pregnant, make sure your doctor checks for Rh incompatibility as early as possible in the pregnancy.

    Severe jaundice caused by problems other than Rh incompatibility can also lead to CP. Jaundice is common in newborns, but it can be treated.

    Is cerebral palsy hereditary?

    Some cases of brain malformation are due to gene abnormalities which prevent the brain from developing normally, but this is rare. Most cases of CP are not in anyway hereditary but are due to factors which occurred during the course of the pregnancy.

    What is congenital CP?

    The term congenital means present at birth. Between 90 to 95 percent of CP cases are congenital. Congenital CP includes those cases which were caused by oxygen deprivation during birth. Doctors used to believe that most cases of CP were caused by a lack of oxygen during a difficult labour and delivery, but it is now known that fewer than 10 percent of congenital cerebral palsy cases stem from asphyxia or other problems during birth. The majority of problems that cause CP occur during development in the womb. Brain trauma, infections, strokes, and other problems after birth can occasionally cause acquired CP. As the name implies, acquired CP means that the condition was acquired after birth.

    Can alcohol consumption during pregnancy cause cerebral palsy?

    Alcohol consumption during pregnancy raises the risk of complications which can cause cerebral palsy and many other birth defects. There is no established safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, so pregnant women should avoid alcohol entirely.

    Are premature babies at greater risk for cerebral palsy?

    Babies born prematurely are at a higher risk for cerebral palsy. Modern medical techniques save a higher percentage of premature babies, but these babies are more prone to developing disabilities than full-term babies are. Babies with a low birthweight are also more at risk for cerebral palsy, even if they are full-term.

    Are women with certain medical conditions more likely to have a baby with CP?

    Women with mental retardation, a seizure disorder, or a thyroid disorder are slightly more likely to have a baby with CP, than women who do not have these conditions.

    What percentage of cerebral palsy patients have mental retardation?

    According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, approximately two-thirds of patients with CP have some mental impairment. Mental retardation can range from mild to severe. People with the spastic quadriplegia are more likely to have mental disabilities than those with other forms of CP. CP patients with epilepsy are also more likely to have mental retardation. Because of communication difficulties, it is sometimes difficult to accurately assess the IQs of CP patients. Learning disabilities without mental retardation are also associated with cerebral palsy. The speech, hearing, and vision problems which sometimes accompany CP can make learning difficult. Many CP patients have normal IQs and no learning disabilities. A few CP patients are intellectually gifted.

    Is cerebral palsy a life-threatening condition?

    Cerebral palsy is not a terminal condition, but before the advent of newer medical techniques in the mid-twentieth century most children with CP did not live into adulthood; complications from the disorder claimed their lives. Today, between 65 and 90 percent of children with cerebral palsy reach adulthood. CP is stressful for the entire body and can cause premature ageing, particularly of the heart, blood vessels, muscles, joints, and bones. The complications stemming from CP can be life-threatening. Cerebral palsy can lead to respiratory and swallowing difficulties. Difficulty swallowing can lead to malnutrition and/or aspiration pneumonia in which food is inhaled into the lungs causing an infection. Malnutrition causes weakness and muscle deterioration; it weakens the immune system making the patient more vulnerable to infections and less able to fully recover if an infection occurs. CP patients whose mobility is extremely restricted may have to sit or lay down for extended periods of time, running the risk of pressure sores. Untreated pressure sores can develop life-threatening infections. The bowel and bladder problems frequently associated with CP can lead to more serious complications when not properly managed.

    Can cerebral palsy be cured?

    Cerebral palsy cannot be cured. The brain damage or brain abnormalities from which it stems are irreversible. Fortunately, today much can be done to improve the quality of life for CP patients.

    Can cerebral palsy be prevented?

    Can cerebral palsy be prevented?

    What type of research is being done on cerebral palsy treatments and prevention?

    Extensive research is being done on cerebral palsy treatment and prevention. Much of this research is funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and private organizations such as the United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation. Research is being done on brain development in hopes of learning what can be done to prevent brain abnormalities from developing. Scientists are also studying the role uterine infections play in the development of CP. Other research centers on finding new ways to diagnosis CP earlier, so that treatment can be begun as quickly as possible; early treatment leads to better outcomes for CP patients. In addition, research is being conducted on the various methods of physical therapy used for CP to determine which methods are most effective and to develop better technology to utilize with these methods. For example, functional electrical stimulation of the muscles can help strengthen spastic muscles, but the technique uses bulky implanted devices; research is being done on using a hypodermic needle to inject small devices at the necessary sites, thus making this therapy more practical and affordable.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult autologous stem cells are mutable and can metamorph into countless number of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with the great speed to restore damaged fibres, regenerate neuron as well can improve damaged function.

    Why is stem cells treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    Conventional treatment approach is highly invasive and associated with many side effects. Whereas stem cells can naturally heal the body from damage and regenerate lost neurons to improve impaired functions. Additionally, since the body's own cells are used for repairing, the entire treatment is minimally invasive without any side effects.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Cerebral Palsy related information.

    Muscular Dystrophy

    What is Muscular Dystrophy and can stem cells help?

    MD's are a group of disorders characterized by hereditary defects in muscle protein, the death of muscle cells and muscular weakness. Mutations in genes, involved in muscular membrane structure and function can also welcome the deformity. Theoretically, if stem cells are injected into the body, they can produce normal muscle cells which are non-functional due to faulty genes. Some kind of stimulation can also be helpful to multiply the residential stem cells and differentiate on their own to muscle cells.

    What are the different stem cells that can offer help for MD?

    Stem cells transplantation is of different types ranging from allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells, umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells, autologous bone marrow and fat-derived stem cells, etc. However, out of these, autologous mode of stem cell transplantation is known to be the most useful as body's own cells are used they don't impose any threat of rejection of infection.

    How many numbers of stem cells injections are required to treat MD?

    Stem cell injection can start showing results in one injection itself, although it is difficult to interpret because the therapeutic efficacy of this treatment depends upon the patient's condition depending upon the uptake of stem cells, severity of the disease and age of the patient.

    Does the steroidal drug therapy used as a convenient way of treating MD useful?

    Rehabilitation in terms of physical exercise is necessary, however strenuous way of physical exertion should be avoided. Considering steroidal therapy, it has always been proven to be medically subjective and limited in usage and hence their long-term use needs to be avoided. The main goal of the steroids is to reduce inflammation during muscular dystrophy. However, their long-term use can have an impact on the overall physical fitness of the patient.

    What are the chances that a patient will start walking after stem cells treatment?

    Stem cells isolated from autologous tissue sources along with antioxidant stimulation can improve the muscular strength by regenerating muscle cells. The development has been observed in various clinical trials. However, the results may vary from person to person.

    In my family, if my elder brother has DMD, what are the chances of my son getting affected with the same and will stem cells injection can be an option?

    There are 50% chances of DMD deformities in your younger son. However, it has to be confirmed by molecular diagnostics and other tests. The stem cells therapy can work better in younger patients than an older one. The earlier you can opt for the treatment, you will get better outcomes.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult autologous stem cells are mutable and can Metamorph into countless numbers of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with greater speed to promote regeneration of muscular cells, to help control over your mood swings, to improve the physical fitness and overall mobility. Additionally, a stimulation therapy can also be applied, wherein the organ is stimulated to multiply the resident stem cells and secrete growth factors to create microenvironment. This treatment will act as a booster to promote regeneration.

    Why is stem cell treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    The conventional treatment approach is highly invasive and associated with many side effects. Although stem cells can naturally heal the body from damage and regenerate lost tissue-specific cells to improve impaired functions. Additionally, since the body's own cells are used for repairing, the entire treatment is minimally invasive without any side effects.

    How do I know if I am the right candidate for the stem cell treatment?

    There are many important issues to be addressed before opting for the treatment, which can satisfactorily be answered only by experts. Thus, it is always advisable to consult and opt for the right stem cell treatment pattern.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other MD related information.


    What Is Alzheimer's Disease?

    Alzheimer's is a severe form of dementia, a kind of a brain disease progressively damaging memory and thinking skills. The person can eventually lose its independence even for day to day activities.

    What are the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease?

    A person with his early disease developmental stage may find difficulty in remembering things, he can ask the same questions again and again, have trouble managing finances, taking longer than normal to finish daily tasks. A person may also face difficulty in finding the right words in his speech, impaired reasoning or judgmental abilities. He or she may as well experience mood swings or personality changes.

    What causes Alzheimer Disease?

    Except for a rare form of Alzheimer, called early onset familial Alzheimer's Disease other forms of diseases are non-genetic. Genetic mutations are linked with the type of an Alzheimer, whereas others are directly linked with environmental factors and traumatic situation faced by the body.

    How is Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed?

    The only way to diagnose a disease is to find out whether plaques and tangles are present in the section of the brain. To look into the tissue, the doctor has to perform brain biopsy test or brain autopsy test, an examination of the brain done after the person dies. When the person is alive, the diagnosis is fully dependent upon the possibility or probability through examination of general health, past medical problems, family history, asking questions about personality changes, memory tests, language skills, problem solving capacity, attention.

    How long do people live after diagnosis?

    Although the time from diagnosis to death varied from person to person, it can be as little as 3 to 5 years for the person above 80 years of age. For younger patients, time may vary between 7-10 years.

    Where can I get more information about Alzheimer's Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Alzheimer's Disease related information.

    Multiple Sclerosis

    Why is MS so difficult to diagnose

    The diagnosis of MS is very challenging at an early stage because symptoms may be very non-specific and indicative of other diseases of the central nervous system. The early symptoms are very temporary causing no significant damage and hence are most of the times ignored easily by the people. Additionally, as such, no specific lab test is being used, apart from MRI; which can be significantly helpful in diagnosis. The complete diagnosis is always proportional to the expert based on the criteria.

    Is MS contagious or inherited?

    No, MS is not contagious neither it is directly inherited. Studies have indicated a mixed effect of both genes and environmental factors on the development of MS. Research has evidently suggested that susceptible individuals may have a familial genetic contribution for MS, however, these individuals need to encounter some triggering factor from the environment to actually develop MS. The research is still underway to pinpoint the exact location of the causative gene, its environmental cause, prevention and better treatment.

    Is MS fatal?

    In general, MS is not considered a fatal disease, but the quality of life can be significantly affected in patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. As such, there is no known full proof treatment available to reduce the sufferings. However, many therapeutic and technological advances are made in the field of stem cells to find a cure for the disease.

    Can stem cell treatment, reverse my damage?

    Yes, stem cells are the pristine cells of the body, which can give rise to many different types of cells upon proper signalling. These cells have been exploited successfully to differentiate into neurons. They have been isolated from the very own potent sources of our body known as Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissues. They can be minimally manipulated and implanted back into the body to promote neuroregeneration. They have also identified to be an effective guiding immune system to distinguish self-tissue from the non-self, thereby reducing further destruction.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Multiple Sclerosis related information.


    What should a bystander do during a Stroke?

    During a stroke, a bystander should know the signs and act accordingly in time. If signs and symptoms of strokes are confirmed, like the person is losing an ability to speak, moving an arm or leg on one side or is experiencing facial paralysis on one side, then support him to avoid any physical injury. Ask someone to arrange for the ambulance as quickly as possible.

    What does the phrase "time is brain" means?

    During a stroke, a bystander should know the signs and act accordingly in time. If signs and symptoms of strokes are confirmed, like the person is losing an ability to speak, moving an arm or leg on one side or is experiencing facial paralysis on one side, then support him to avoid any physical injury. Ask someone to arrange for the ambulance as quickly as possible.

    If I have a family history of stroke, am I at a risk of stroke?

    While hereditary factors play a role in the risk of stroke. There are many things, you can actually incorporate in your lifestyle to help reduce the risk of stroke such as avoiding smoking, excessive alcoholism, improved eating habits, regular exercises etc.

    Is it true that some people are at a greater risk than others?

    The chances of stroke increases with the age and genetic make up. Comparatively older people and men are at a greater risk of stroke as compared to their counterparts. People from African and American continents are five times more likely to have a stroke as compared to others. How can stem cells treatment help stroke patients?
    Stem cells are the master cells of the body, which are able to differentiate into variety of cells if channelized properly. Stem cells isolated from autologous body sources such as Bone Marrow or Adipose Tissue are observed to be superior in vascularization i.e. formation of new blood vessels, clearing obstructed blood flow and regenerating dead cells. Various clinical trials have shown good improvements in patients.

    How can stem cells treatment help stroke patients?

    Stem cells are the master cells of the body, which are able to differentiate into variety of cells if channelized properly. Stem cells isolated from autologous body sources such as Bone Marrow or Adipose Tissue are observed to be superior in vascularization i.e. formation of new blood vessels, clearing obstructed blood flow and regenerating dead cells. Various clinical trials have shown good improvements in patients.

    If I had stroke attack earlier, can I still opt for the stem cells treatment?

    Although, sooner is the better but depending upon the physical evaluations, doctors can tell you the best possible way through which you can avail this treatment.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Stroke related information.

    Liver Damage

    What is fatty liver?

    Fatty liver is excessive deposition of fat droplets in the cytoplasm of liver cells, which may progressively be accompanied by fibrosis. It is the common problem, troubling 90-100% of heavy drinkers. This is so far known to be the major cause linked with the condition, which if unattended for a longer period of time may give rise to the palpably enlarged liver with death.

    What quantity of alcohol should I limit safely to avoid liver damage?

    Any amount of alcohol can produce damage to the liver, however the general thumb rule for an otherwise healthy person can be 3-4 drinks a day for men and 1-2 drinks per day for women, since men metabolize and are able to clear alcohol very efficiently than women due to body size, body fat and certain enzymes. However, if an individual has underlying liver conditions such as hepatitis B or C or liver damage, the liver can be very sensitive to alcohol, and in that case, the only safe dose of alcohol is zero.

    What is the liver cirrhosis?

    The liver cirrhosis is the liver disease, characterized by widespread destruction and degeneration of liver tissue often marked with an increase in fibrotic connective tissue. The liver has always been in a tendency to regenerate on its own, however, due to regular degeneration and regeneration process, it forms structural nodules leading to permanent alteration of its structure and function, due to scarring and increased formation of the connective tissue. It needs immediate medical attention to prevent further consequences of a damaged liver.

    Does our liver give any kind of warning signals?

    Our liver is normally a silent organ, suffering silently for a longer period of time, however, if you suddenly suffer from stomach pain or stomach upset, you need to visit the doctor. Apart from that, sudden exhaustion, bloated stomach, morning sickness and glassy eyes with red and blue blood vessels under the eyes are the alarming signals when you need to visit the doctor.

    Can the oral medications or contraceptive pills cause damage to the liver?

    Yes, medication which contains steroids and their long-term use can be harmful to the liver. Similarly, birth control pills with a high level of oestrogen can also be dangerous and hence should be avoided.

    Can liver damage be reversed?

    Yes, to some extent, the liver is a regenerative organ, liver cells regenerate minor injuries on its own, however, their potency is limited to cope up for the major damage and hence it is always advisable to visit the doctor if you notice the warning signals of the liver damage.

    Is the adult autologous stem cells therapy an only alternative?

    At present stem cell treatment can be offered from a variety of sources such as umbilical cord blood, tissue mesenchymal cells, autologous sources etc to reverse the damage associated with the disorder, however, the safest amongst them can be an autologous way as the body’s own cells have been used. There are least chances of immune rejection and other infection. Additionally, these sources are readily available within you and you need not have to wait for the right match. This, in turn, saves a lot of time and complications.

    Can I expect my liver back to normal immediately after stem cells treatment?

    Since the stem cells treatment is progressing rapidly, every day it comes up with the new discovery, however, currently patients have been reported to get improved metabolism, improved stamina, minor complaints have been resolved such as pain, constipation, vomiting. Additionally, no cases have been reported to be damaged further after stem cells transplantation. Thus rather than wasting time, money and health, you can always go for stem cells transplantation, but you can’t expect your liver to be working naturally.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Liver Diseases related information.


    What causes Cardiovascular Disease?

    There are many risk factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Some people are born with conditions that predispose them to heart disease and stroke, but most people who develop cardiovascular disease do so because of a combination of factors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity and smoking, to name just three. The more risk factors you expose yourself to, the higher the chance of developing cardiovascular disease.

    Many of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease cause problems because they lead to atherosclerosis.

    Atherosclerosis is the narrowing and thickening of arteries. Atherosclerosis develops for years without causing symptoms. It can happen in any part of the body. Around the heart, it is known as coronary artery disease, in the legs, it is known as peripheral arterial disease. The narrowing and thickening of the arteries is due to the deposition of fatty material, cholesterol and other substances in the walls of blood vessels. The deposits are known as plaques. The rupture of a plaque can lead to a stroke or a heart attack.

    What are the risk factors associated with the disease?

    The most commonly listed risk factors associated with the disorder can be age, smoking, overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc.

    What are the signs and symptoms of heart attack?

    Intense chest pain, pain in the left arm or jaw and difficulty in breathing. Women may show the same symptoms but her pain may be more diffuse, spreading the shoulders, neck, arms, abdomen and even her back. They may experience discomfort like indigestion. There could also be unexplained anxiety, nausea, dizziness, palpitations and cold sweat.

    How is it conventionally treated & diagnosed?

    Conventionally Angioplasty, Stents or bypassing the artery through surgery are prescribed depending upon the severity of the disease. However recovery or reversal of damage is not guaranteed, additionally, these approaches are associated with many side effects.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult Autologous stem cells are mutable and can metamorph into a countless number of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with the great speed to restore damaged fibres, improve vascularization to bypass the blocked artery as well can improve damaged function.

    Why is stem cells treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    Conventional treatment approach is highly invasive and is associated with many side effects. Stem cells can naturally heal the body from damage and regenerate lost tissue or cells to improve impaired functions. In the case of heart disorders, they can promote angiogenesis, regenerate lost cardiac cells to normalize the heart function. Additionally, since the body's own cells are used for repairing, the entire treatment is minimally invasive without any side effects.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Cardiovascular Disease related information.

    Kidney Disease

    How does Kidney failure can affect a person's health

    Although symptoms can vary according to the patients, commonly; fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle cramps are observed. These problems are mainly caused due to waste product deposition in the blood, the condition is commonly known as Uremia.

    Can Uremia be avoided?

    People with uremia can avoid the problems associated with it by opting for regular dialysis and limiting food containing salts such as sodium, potassium and phosphorus. They are also advised to visit a specialist called a nephrologist regularly, to track the progression of the disease.

    What kind of problems can be faced during hemodialysis?

    Hemodialysis is a kind of dialysis that uses a machine to circulate blood through a filter outside the body. It has also been observed that for many of the patients, a rapid change in the body's water and mineral balance can cause a problem. Some of the patients can also complain about weakness, dizziness, stomach pain etc. due to the common side effects of dialysis such as muscle cramps and hypotension.

    How does kidney failure affect the blood?
    • Anaemia is another condition, affecting a person with kidney failure apart from uremia. Anaemia is a condition, in which the red blood cells are fewer or smaller than normal, carrying less amount of oxygen to the body's cells. The condition can also be associated with extreme fatigue and aggravation of heart problems.
    • The root cause of an Anaemic condition has been linked with decrease production of the hormone erythropoietin due to decreased kidney function. Erythropoietin is responsible for the production of red blood cells in bone marrow.
    How does kidney failure affect heart and blood vessels?

    Due to reduced absorption, removal of waste products and long-term use of steroids; it has been observed that patients with acute or chronic kidney failure report severe blockage to the artery and other blood vessels leading to congestive heart failure.

    How does kidney failure can affect the skin?

    Many people, who are on dialysis complain about itchy skin, usually on the back, chest, head or limbs. This is itching is normally worse during or after dialysis, due to the deposition of waste products that are not removed from the blood. The problem can also be due to the damaged kidney's inability to balance the level of minerals, calcium and phosphorus. The itching is principle side effect of increased production of parathyroid hormone, which can cause itching.

    How can kidney failure affect bones, joints and mental health?

    As already discussed, kidney failure can throw off the balance of calcium, phosphorus and sodium resulting in an increased production of parathyroid hormones. These high levels of hormones, draws calcium from the bones into the blood, leaving the bones without enough calcium. The kidney failure can also cause pain, stiffness and fluid buildup in the joints due to a condition is known as " amyloidosis". The condition is generally associated with abnormal deposition of a protein known as Amyloids. It is observed that healthy kidneys are naturally able to filter amyloids but dialysis filters are not. Additionally, many patients who have been on dialysis for a longer period of time have reported insomnia and mental depression.

    What are the conventional treatments offered?

    Conventionally steroidal drugs, hormone supplements and exposure to UV lights were offered along with the dialysis to reduce the symptoms associated with kidney failure. However, the treatment that has been offered can be dangerous with many possible side effects as discussed earlier.

    Can stem cells treatment, reverse my damage?

    Stem cells are the mother cells of the body, which are able to differentiate into many new cells upon proper activation. Through various clinical trials, it has been observed that they can be successfully differentiated into kidney cells or proximal epithelial cells of the inner lining of the kidney. By offering the stem cells solution, doctors can minimize the side effects associated with dialysis and oral steroidal medicines. Since cells are isolated from body's own tissues such as Bone Marrow or Adipose Tissues, there is no chance of immune rejection as with kidney transplantation and hence can be the safe alternative.

    Where can I get more information about the disease?

    For more information on Kidney failure and problem associated with it, you can always refer to our Treatment Brochure of Kidney Disorders.


    What is Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes?

    Type 2 diabetes is a more common form of the disease and is different from type 1 diabetes. In type 1 Diabetes, which is most common in young children also known as Juvenile Diabete, the body is not able to produce insulin, which is required for glucose metabolism. Whereas type 2 diabetes is more common in adults, wherein the insulin, which is produced by the body, is not able to metabolize blood glucose. Whether you are insulin resistant or have too little insulin the end result is the high blood glucose level.

    What are the common symptoms associated with the disease?

    The disease develops gradually and some of the common symptoms associated with the disorder are fatigue, extreme thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, weight loss, frequent infection, slow wound healing, blurry vision.

    What are the risk factors associated with the disorder?

    Several genetic and environmental factors such as hereditary link ups, diet, smoking, high BMI, age are related to the disease.

    How is it diagnosed?

    Diabetes can be routinely diagnosed with blood sugar testing and urine analysis. For the fast and quantitative assessments, doctors may also prescribe antibody tests and genetic tests.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult autologous stem cells are mutable and can metamorph into a countless number of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with the great speed to restore damaged cells, set up a microenvironment that can stimulate the secretion of growth factors, cytokines as a booster for regeneration.

    Why is stem cells treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    Conventional treatment approach involves hormone therapies which were again associated with many side effects. Long-term use of steroids is also dangerous for welcoming many diseases. Additionally, if left untreated for a longer period of time, it can also give rise to diabetic foot, kidney damage and other physical problems.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Diabetes related information.

    Lung Diseases

    What is COPD?

    COPD is a debilitating lung condition inhibiting patients to breathe properly or enjoy life. Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Asthma are other common names for the same. It is the major cause of death worldwide. The sufferers may require a large amount of medical assistance.

    What are the risk factors associated with the disease?

    The most commonly listed risk factors associated with the disorder can be age, smoking, hereditary and environmental factors etc.

    What are the current medical treatments for COPD?

    COPD is the medical condition and therefore typically requires long-term medications. The commonly used treatments for COPD are the use of bronchodilators, inhalers, oral steroidal medications, ventilators, surgery. However, these are either supplementary treatments or treatments with many side effects and hence for that matter, an alternative treatment with a complete reversal of damage is needed.

    How is it diagnosed?

    Commonly sputum tests, lung function tests are prescribed in order to assess that the person is suffering from COPD. Other than that chest X-ray and lung scanning is also suggested for some of the patients.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult autologous stem cells are mutable and can metamorph into a countless number of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with the great speed to restore damaged cells, set up a microenvironment that can stimulate the secretion of growth factors, cytokines as a booster for regeneration.

    Why is stem cells treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    Conventional treatment approaches are highly invasive associated with many side effects. Although stem cells can naturally heal the body from damage and regenerate tissues or cells to improve impaired functions. Additionally, since the body’s own cells are used for repairing, the entire treatment is minimally invasive without any side effects.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other COPD related information.

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Is Erectile Dysfunction a normal part of aging?

    Erectile dysfunction doesn't have to be a part of getting older. Even older men can able to get an erection. On the contrary, 5-10% of the population has been reported to be below 35 years of age, who have been complaining about ED.

    Is ED physical or psychological?

    As firmer erection, has always been a combined action as a result of the whole series of psychological and physical events, it is associated with both the reasons.

    Is it normal to get ED?

    With the current reported data, many men suffer from this issue, however, on a generalized note, men with Erectile Dysfunction wait for 5 years before going to the doctor. Due to changes in their lifestyle pattern, eating habits and stress, it is observed to be more widely spread than a normal man could imagine. A person with ED, should not take the disease very lightly, as it may give rise to other complications such as diabetes.

    What are the physical causes of ED?

    The most common cause of ED is damaged to arteries, smooth muscles and fibrous tissues. The problems related to them can be caused by a variety of factors like diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, kidney diseases etc. Penile injuries may also lead to major troubles. Additionally, complications with surgery or radiations can interfere with nerve impulses or blood flow to the penis. ED can also be the result of a side effect of common drugs taken for high blood pressure, antidepressants, tranquillizers, etc. Chronic use of alcohol, tobacco etc. can also cause ED aggravated by decreased sexual life.

    What are the physiological problems associated with ED?

    Psychological problems, such as anxiety or depression may interfere with the men erection process by distracting him from things that normally arouse him. These problems can be listed out as depression, relationship problems, anxiety, stress etc.

    Does ED sometimes clear up by itself?

    Yes, it does, especially if it was due to the result of a stressful situation which has been resolved or an injury that has been healed.

    Will I get embarrassed if I go to the doctor with this problem?

    Medical practitioners can understand your problem and can identify the root cause of it. He can also guide you to get over your mood swings or depression. It is always better to face the problem rather than hiding it. However, it is necessary to find the right person and right place with whom you can completely rely on.

    How is it conventionally treated & diagnosed?

    Conventionally, steroidal drug therapies, surgical methods were used to rectify the problem associated with the disability. However, the long-term use of these steroidal drugs can be very dangerous and can welcome some unknown side effects. However, these treatments proved to be very temporary with no reversal of damage and hence an alternative treatment was always in demands, that can reverse the damage associated with the disorder.

    How can stem cells be beneficial to treat?

    Undifferentiated adult autologous stem cells are mutable and can Metamorph into countless numbers of cells as per the requirement. This remarkable property of stem cells can be exploited for treating a variety of diseases. These cells can be isolated from the most potent sources of our own body known as Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow. Upon implanting back into the body, these cells can rapidly multiply with greater speed to smooth obstructed blood flow, to promote networking of new blood vessels, to help control over your mood swings, etc. Additionally, a stimulation therapy can also be applied, wherein the organ is stimulated to multiply the resident stem cells and secrete growth factors to create microenvironment. This treatment will act as a booster to promote regeneration.

    Why is stem cell treatment better than conventional treatment approach?

    Conventional treatment approach is highly invasive associated with many side effects. Although stem cells can naturally heal the body from damage and regenerate lost tissue-specific cells to improve impaired functions. Additionally, since the body's own cells are used for repairing, the entire treatment is minimally invasive without any side effects.

    How do I know if I am the right candidate for the stem cell treatment?

    There are many important issues to be addressed before opting for the treatment, which can satisfy answered only by experts. Thus, it is always advisable to consult and opt for the right stem cell treatment pattern.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Erectile Dysfunction related information.

    Macular Degeneration

    Do I need to routinely examine my eyes?

    Yes, it is always advisable to check your eyes on a regular basis. Young adults between the age group 20-39 should have their eye check-ups after every 3-5 years. Whereas adults between the age group 40-64 should have their eye check-ups after every 2-4 years. In case of senior citizens above 65 years of age, an ophthalmic visit should be once every year. Irrespective of age groups, some people grouped under the category of high-risk adults should also visit an ophthalmologist once a year such as people with diabetes, strong family history of glaucoma, people with AIDS etc.

    Will working at a computer screen or sitting close to TV screen damage my eyes?

    No, there is not yet any scientific evidence that these instruments emit rays that can be harmful to the eyes, however long working hours can be tiresome and hence it is often helpful to take periodic breaks, looking off in the distance etc.

    Sometimes I do notice dark patchy spots or floaters especially on the white surface, is this the reason for me to worry?

    These are the common eye problems which are indications of retinal or corneal malfunctioning. It is always advisable to visit the doctors as early as possible.

    Why have I gradually found it harder to read without glasses?

    The ability to focus the near objects decreases with age and is referred to as presbyopia. The condition is known as the natural aging of the optic lens. The condition is often irreversible with conventional treatments, however, stem cells can to some extent reverse the damage naturally, with the complete stoppage of further progression.

    Will my child likely inherit some eye problems?

    Yes, some of the eye disorders such as glaucoma, photophobia etc. are observed to be directly linked up with a genetic abnormality which can either be hereditary or mutational. However, some of the common eye problems such as burns, corneal damage, etc. are linked to environmental damage.

    Can eyes be transplanted?

    No, there is no evidence currently to transplant the whole eyes, however, part of the eye can be replaced if a suitable donor is found.

    Can stem cell treatment, reverse my damage?

    Yes, stem cells are the pristine cells of the body, which can give rise to many different types of cells upon proper signalling. In the case of eye disorders, these cells have shown remarkable improvements by differentiating into photoreceptor cells, rods and cones cells of the inner eyes, optic nerve cells, etc. This differentiation is achieved very naturally with minimum manipulation outside the body, using autologous stem cells sources such as bone marrow or adipose tissue

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration for other eye disorder related information.


    What is orthopaedics?

    Orthopaedics the branch of science, focusing on injuries and diseases of the body's musculoskeletal system; including bones and muscles.

    What is joint replacement surgery & how long it last?

    Joint replacement surgery is performed to replace damaged joint with a new, artificial joint known as a Prosthesis. On an average, these joints have a lifespan of 10 years, however, it varies depending upon the usage and person's age.

    What is the difference between the sprain or strain?

    A strain occurs when the muscle or tendon is stretched or torn. A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched or torn.

    What is Sciatica?

    In our lower back, nerves join to form the Sciatic Nerve; which runs down in the leg and controls the muscles of the leg. Sciatica is the condition that may cause a radiating pain, numbness, tingling and/or muscle weakness in the leg.

    What is shoulder impingement?

    Impingement syndrome is a common disorder of the shoulder referring to an improper alignment of the bone and the tissues in the upper arm. Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis are closely related to the impingement syndrome.

    Do men get osteoporosis?

    Although osteoporosis is more common in women, atleast one in eight over 50 have the chances of getting osteoporosis. As with the declined testosterone levels in men can also lead to increased chances of bone loss.

    How can Osteoporosis be prevented?

    Osteoporosis can be prevented by reaching the peak bone mass, during the childhood and teenage years. Few habits can be incorporated in order to increase bone mass such as enough calcium and vitamin D uptake by drinking milk and milk products, regular exercise, avoiding milk and milk products, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

    Can stem cell treatment, reverse my damage?

    Yes, stem cells are the pristine cells of the body, which can give rise to many different types of cells upon proper signalling. These cells have been exploited successfully to differentiate into neurogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. They have been isolated from the very own potent sources of our body known as Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissues. They can be minimally manipulated and implanted back into the body to promote neuro-regeneration, bone reconstruction, reformation of tendons and cartilages.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Orthopaedics related information.


    What is orthopaedics?
    Orthopaedics the branch of science, focusing on injuries and diseases of the body's musculoskeletal system; including bones and muscles.
    What is joint replacement surgery & how long it last?
    Joint replacement surgery is performed to replace damaged joint with a new, artificial joint known as a Prosthesis. On an average, these joints have a lifespan of 10 years, however, it varies depending upon the usage and person's age.
    What is the difference between the sprain or strain?
    A strain occurs when the muscle or tendon is stretched or torn. A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched or torn.
    What is Sciatica?
    In our lower back, nerves join to form the Sciatic Nerve; which runs down in the leg and controls the muscles of the leg. Sciatica is the condition that may cause a radiating pain, numbness, tingling and/or muscle weakness in the leg.
    What is shoulder impingement?
    Impingement syndrome is a common disorder of the shoulder referring to an improper alignment of the bone and the tissues in the upper arm. Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis are closely related to the impingement syndrome.
    What is a separated shoulder?
    A shoulder separation occurs when the outer end of the collarbone separates from the end of the shoulder blades because of the torn ligaments. The injury occurs most often from a blow to the shoulders or stretched hand or arms.
    Do men get osteoporosis?
    Although osteoporosis is more common in women, atleast one in eight over 50 have the chances of getting osteoporosis. As with the declined testosterone levels in men can also lead to increased chances of bone loss.
    How can Osteoporosis be prevented?
    Osteoporosis can be prevented by reaching the peak bone mass, during the childhood and teenage years. Few habits can be incorporated in order to increase bone mass such as enough calcium and vitamin D uptake by drinking milk and milk products, regular exercise, avoiding milk and milk products, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
    Can stem cell treatment, reverse my damage?
    Yes, stem cells are the pristine cells of the body, which can give rise to many different types of cells upon proper signalling. These cells have been exploited successfully to differentiate into neurogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. They have been isolated from the very own potent sources of our body known as Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissues. They can be minimally manipulated and implanted back into the body to promote neuroregeneration, bone reconstruction, reformation of tendons and cartilages.
    Where can I get more information about the Disease?
    Please go through, our treatment brochures for other Orthopaedics related information.

    Spinal Cord Injury

    What is a spinal cord injury?

    Spinal Cord Injury is the result of a traumatic event causing damage to spinal cord or nerve tracts that relays signals from brain to other parts of body or body to brain. As a result, one could experience temporary or permanent loss of motor function, sensory function and autonomic function. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, three classes of neural tissue damage leading to paralysis have been identified: Nerve cell death within the spinal cord Disruption of nerve pathways Demyelination, or destruction of the protective insulation surrounding axons, which conduct nerve signals

    What causes spinal cord injury?

    The most common causes of spinal cord injury are motor accidents, serious fall, acts of violence, sports injury and recreation accident, diseases such as spina bifida can also cause permanent injury to the spinal cord.

    What is the difference between paraplegia & tetraplegia?

    Paraplegia is a term used to describe the inability to move and sense the lower part of the body from the waist down, whereas the term tetraplegia or quadriplegia includes loss of motor and/or sensory function in the upper body, arms and hands.

    My friend has the same level of injury as me but he has sensation in his legs and I don’t. Why?

    This could be because sensory but not motor function is preserved below the neurological level and includes the sacral segments S4-S5, AND no motor function is preserved more than three levels below the motor level on either side of the body. Therefore he has sensation in his legs but the loss of motor function. All this dependant on Complete or Incomplete Injury to spinal cord i.e the amount of movement and sensation that has been lost during the trauma. Understanding the extent of the injury is the best-known indicator of what to expect in the recovery of function from injury.

    Can Spinal Cord Injury be cured?

    The Central Nervous System is the most complex network of nerves in the body. Till date, even scientists are the mysteries of the brain and its network. However, the discovery of Stem Cells in modern science holds great promise in treating Spinal cord injuries. Stem Cell transplantation directly into the injured site leads to the generation of new nerve cells resulting in possible repair of axons and transmission of nerve signals. It has also been seen that Stem Cell transplantation given within few hours of Spinal Cord Injury can reduce the damage by releasing protective substances such as growth factors, and soaking up toxins such as free radicals, when introduced into the spinal cord shortly after injury and also preventing the spread of disease by reducing inflammation in the injured area.

    Where can I get more information about the Disease?

    Please go through, our treatment brochures for Spinal Cord Injury related information.

    Ankylosing Spondylitis

    What is Inflammatory Spondylopathy?
    Spondylopathy is a group of disorder, involving many chronic joint issues. Although, different disorders coming under this group have different pathophysiology; the generalized symptoms of all of them are the same. On a general note, symptoms associated with the disorder include stiffness in the joints and thereby restricted movements along with the changes associated with the postures.
    What are the assessments related to Ankylosing Spondylitis?
    The assessments of the Ankylosing Spondylitis are done with the help of a series of questionnaires that will help your doctor to work out the best way to manage with your difficulty. You may be assessed as mentioned below:

    • The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis score measures the main symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis such as fatigue, back pain, morning stiffness. The score is recorded out of 10, more is the score, worst are the symptoms.
    • The Bath Ankylosing Functional Index is scored according to how much your disorder is affecting your ability to carry out day to day tasks.
    • The work productivity and activity score measures your ability to work during the last week, be it in a job or home.

    Additionally, other clinical assessments are done such as spinal X rays, Specific blood tests like haemoglobin, ESR and CRP.  Specific genetic tests may also be done including HLA-B27, RA, etc. The patient may also be prescribed some other radiological confirmations such as MRI, X-Ray, CT Scan, etc.

    What are the typical Ankylosing Spondylitis symptoms?
    General Ankylosing Spondylitis symptoms include painful stiffness of the lower back, hips, etc. worsening normally in the morning. Over the period of time, the pain and stiffness may progress towards the spine and other joints. The person with Ankylosing Spondylitis may show stooped posture, inability to work independently and reduced mobility. Gradually, he may also notice difficulty in bending the spine. Features such as loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, inflammation of the eye and/or other muscular organs of the body, may also be observed.
    I think I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, where can I get help?
    If you experiencing any of the above mentioned, Ankylosing Spondylitis symptoms, you should immediately visit an orthopaedic surgeon. To know more about the complication associated with the disorders, possible treatment options and how novel stem cells treatment can help you to manage with your progressive disorders, you can visit our website,
    What actually happens in Ankylosing Spondylitis?
    If you are suffering from chronic AS, your spinal vertebrae are completely fused not allowing movement flexibility to your backbone. This results in the severe inflammation of the joints, change in the body posture, expansion in the chest skeleton and progressive stiffness of all the joints of your body. In the later progression, the disease may affect your breathing capacity, independence as well as other vital muscular organs of the body such as eye, heart, kidney, etc. The disorder is often called as the “baboo spine” because your spine tends to get stiff like a bamboo.
    What are the factors responsible for Ankylosing Spondylitis?
    Although the exact causes are not known, the people expressing HLA-B27 genes are known to be more prone to the same. In the background, various factors are observed to be responsible for gene activation such as autoimmunity, systemic infection, metabolic disorders, etc.
    Can Ankylosing Spondylitis cause any disability in me?
    Mild, moderate or severe disabilities have been experienced by many of the people with Ankylosing Spondylitis, depending upon the progression of the disease and immunity level. As every person portrays different manifestations, the severity of the disease varies from person to person. If well managed in the initial stages, it is very likely that the progression can be stopped.
    What are the traditional treatments for my Ankylosing Spondylitis? Are they Helpful?
    As such with the help of traditional medicine, no complete cure is available for your Ankylosing Spondylitis, however, doctors can suggest some steroidal medications to keep you going. Although, long-term use of steroids can be harmful to the overall health of the body, causing various hazardous side effects. Depending upon the severity of the disease, doctors can as well suggest joint replacement surgeries which are indeed very painful, attracting many opportunistic infections.
    Is there any alternative to traditional medicines? What are the benefits?
    Yes, Stem cells treatment is the unique alternative approach presented to you by modern medicine, to help you reverse back your damage associated with the disease without any harmful side effects or surgeries.
    What are stem cells and how they can be helpful?
    Stem cells are the unique, pristine cells; isolated from the richest sources of your own body such as Bone Marrow and/or Adipose Tissue. These cells are proved to be having a potential to alter into many different cells of a variety of other lineages in your body upon proper signalling. So far, these cells have been exploited successfully to differentiate into neurogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic, blood lineages. These cells can be isolated outside the body, enriched in a clean environment and implanted back at the site of injury to promote regeneration of lost cells, repairing damaged ones, and enhance the overall functional capacity of the organ.
    Where can I get more information about the diseases?
    Please go through our treatment brochures for other orthopaedic related diseases

    Sports Injuries

    What is a sports injury?
    Sports Injury is injuries of the musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones and associated tissues) that occur while playing sports and during athletic activities. Sports medicine is the study of sports injuries in order to prevent them and reduce their severity of occurrence.
    What causes sports injuries?
    These may be traumatic injuries that occur due to collision with other players, with ground and/or object; they may be caused due to overuse and repetitive stress on limbs and joints, poor training practices, insufficient exercise, insufficient warm-up and stretching before playing and inadequate/improper equipment or sports gear use while playing sports/athletic activities.
    What are the common signs and symptoms?

    There may be

    Bruising and bleeding Sprains (ligament tear) causing pain, swelling and inability to move joints and strains (tendon/muscle tear) causing muscle spasm and pain Wounds and fractures Head and/or spinal cord injury Dislocated joints: mostly hand joints and the shoulder joint

    Which are the most common sports injuries?
    The most common are:

    • Knee injuries: caused due to too much running without proper warm up, twist, blow or improper landing after a jump. There may be rupture of knee tendons, cartilage and ligaments.
    • Shin splints or pain the bone of the lower leg, commonly seen in runners due to overuse or incorrect use of the lower leg, overtraining, improper stretching, etc.
    • Achilles tendon injuries caused due to tear of the tendon connecting calf muscle to the back of the heel. It occurs due to improper stretching, overuse, aging, etc.
    • Rotator cuff injuries: injury to the muscles and tendons of the shoulder, they are caused due to overuse, aging, repeated overhead motion, falling on an outstretched hand, etc.
    What are acute and chronic sports injuries?
    Acute injuries occur suddenly during an activity and their signs and symptoms are a sudden severe pain, swelling, extreme tenderness, inability to move a joint in full range of motion, bone dislocation, etc. Chronic injuries occur as a result of overuse of a limb or over-exercising. There is pain and swelling when an activity is performed using the affected limb.
    Who is at greatest risk from sports injuries?
    The following are the greatest risk from sports injuries:

    • Children and Adolescents: as their muscles, tendons and bones are still growing and thus are more prone to injury
    • Middle Aged Sports Person: as they lack agility and resilience that a young athlete possesses
    • Women: due to osteoporosis, fluctuation in hormone levels caused by menstruation, etc.
    What should be done to treat sports injuries?
    The starting point for treating any sports injury is RICE therapy, adequate Rest: not lifting heavy objects from or putting weight on injured area, Ice therapy: putting ice bag on the injured area to ease pain and swelling, Compression: wrapping the injured area in an elastic bandage and Elevation: placing a pillow below the injured area to prevent fluid collection. To reduce pain and inflammation, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The affected area must not be used so as to prevent further damage. Immobilization will reduce pain and swelling. Slings, splints & casts and Velcro straps are used as immobilizers. A rehabilitation program/exercise at a gradual and safe pace is required to restore normal function. To begin with, gentle exercises are started and then gradually stretching and strengthening exercises are done. Any exercise that causes pain is avoided. Other therapies that may be used are mild electrical stimulation, cold therapy, heat therapy, massage and ultrasound stimulation.
    Do sport injuries frequently require surgical treatment?
    Surgery is done when the injury is severe, in case of repair of torn connective tissues and when there is joint dislocation causing deformity and disability. Most sports injuries do not require surgery.
    Who treats a sports injury?
    For minor injuries, a general physician and a physiotherapist may be consulted. For severe injuries, an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in the treatment of bone and joint diseases is consulted. Rehabilitation/exercise program is conducted by a physiotherapist.
    How can a sports injury be prevented?
    Keep feet as flat as possible while stretching; do warm-up exercises and adequate stretching before rigorous activities like running, do not overuse a limb, cool down after a vigorous sport like walk for five minutes after a race, wear properly fitting shoes, run on flat surfaces and wear adequate protective gear while playing sports/during an athletic activity.


    What is PRP?
    PRP is the Platelet Rich Plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of the blood, which serves as the host for all the cellular components of the blood like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Thus platelets naturally make up about 10% of the blood’s cellular component. With the help of a technology, it is possible to flip the ratio of platelets up to 90% concentration. Therefore it is named as the Platelet Rich Plasma.
    What is PRP therapy and how does it work?
    Platelets are known as the first respondents after the injury. Immediately after the injury, the human body starts eliciting an immune response allowing platelets and other immune components to migrate at the site of injury. At the targeted site, these platelets are known to secrete various growth factors and clotting factors to initiate the healing process, promote blood vessels formations as well as collagen synthesis. These platelets are also known to trigger the secretion of many bioactive molecules, which can attract many macrophages, mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblasts. PRP is a healing therapy used in the field of regenerative medicines to stimulate and enhance healing. In a simple language, PRP is considered as the mega doses prepared from the ingredients of our own body for our own healing.
    What types of conditions are treated with PRP?
    Based on the current research, all the orthopaedic related problems such as soft tissue injuries, tendonitis, ligament sprains and muscle tears can be treated well with PRP therapy. It is as well found to be very useful in the treatment, hair restoration and wound healing such as the diabetic foot.
    Is PRP therapy painful?
    A patient typically tolerates the therapy well both with and without anaesthesia. However, post-injection swelling in expected given the PRP induced inflammatory response. But these discomforts such as swelling are observed in the typical injected area which will not be for more than 48 hrs.
    How long does it take the PRP to work?
    Many of the people have noticed some or the other kind of improvement depending upon the problem by 2-3 weeks after the PRP therapy. Symptom improvement has been observed to be slow and subtle with the passage of time, with usual complaint of original pain being replaced by the soreness. Increased endurance and strength are typical observation immediately after the treatment.
    Preparation of PRP?
    A small amount of blood is withdrawn generally 30 ml from the peripheral vein of the patient. The blood is then placed in the centrifuge, to separate platelet from the rest of the components. On the therapeutic aspects, platelet count is enriched 5 fold with 10-15 fold decrease in the volume after the processing. The entire process takes not more than 20 mins to increase the concentration of platelet along with the inherent stimulation of stem cells for quick proliferation, differentiation and regeneration. The concentrated PRP is then injected around the area or in the joints to speed up the process of healing.

    Skin Burn

    Why PRP Gel for Burn wounds?
    1. Use of new cutting aged technology in the activation of PRP and gel preparation
    2. PRP gel is easy to apply over the wound
    3. Very quick method of therapy (time varies as per wound area)
    4. Less or no invasive procedure of wound dressing using PRP gel
    5. Improves burn wound-healing time after the application of PRP
    How does PRP Gel work in a burn injury?
    1. Platelet-rich plasma contains a high level of platelets, clotting factors, cytokines, and growth factors. They start releasing these activated factors 10 minutes after clotting, and more than 95% of growth factors are released in the first hour. Platelet-rich plasma is stable for approximately 8 hours after preparation [1,2]
    2. TGF-b and PDGF in PRP are triggers for cell growth and differentiation leading to early wound healing.
    3. bFGF, PDGF, IGF, and EGF in PRP increases epidermal regeneration
    4. Collagen synthesis and maturation increases due to PRP applications leading to an increase in collagen deposition that helps in speedy recovery.
    5. Enhances wound healing, promoting epithelization and angiogenesis.
    Does multiple doses of PRP help?
    It has been shown that multiple dosages of PRP accelerated the formation of the extracellular matrix during the first half of wound healing.
    Use of PRP over burn injury: is it safe?
    1. PRP is generated from patients own blood hence immunologically neutral with no cross/hyper reactivity as are easily acceptable by patients body.
    2. Blood Collection, PRP separation and activation including PRP gel preparation is carried out in completely sterile conditions in GLP compliance laboratory. Hence PRP gel application does not lead to infection.
    3. PRP may be injected intralesionally or perilesionally or in the form of a platelet gel and used topically.
    4. Intradermal injections of PRP at the wound site may cause inflammation with or without nerve trauma in rare cases.
    1. Pallua N, Wolter T, Markowicz M: Platelet-rich plasma in burns. Burns, 2010; 36(1): 4–8 4.
    2. Yol S, Tekin A, Yilmaz H et al: Effects of platelet-rich plasma on colonic anastomosis. J Surg Res, 2008; 146(2): 190–94
    3. Kazakos K, Lyras DN, Verettas D et al: The use of autologous PRP gel as an aid in the management of acute trauma wounds. Injury, 2009; 40(8): 801–5
    4. Loot MA, Kenter SB, Au FL et al: Fibroblasts derived from chronic diabetic ulcers differ in their response to stimulation with EGF, IGF-I, bFGF and PDGF-AB compared to controls. Eur J Cell Biol, 2002; 81(3): 153–60

    Diabetic Foot

    What is PRP?

    PRP is the Platelet Rich Plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of the blood, which serves as the host for all the cellular components of the blood like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Thus platelets naturally make up about 10% of the blood’s cellular component. With the help of a technology, it is possible to flip the ratio of platelets up to 90% concentration. Therefore it is named as the Platelet Rich Plasma.

    What is PRP therapy and how does it work?

    Platelets are known as the first respondents after the injury. Immediately after the injury, the human body starts eliciting an immune response allowing platelets and other immune components to migrate at the site of injury. At the targeted site, these platelets are known to secrete various growth factors and clotting factors to initiate the healing process, promote blood vessels formations as well as collagen synthesis. These platelets are also known to trigger the secretion of many bioactive molecules, which can attract many macrophages, mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblasts. PRP is a healing therapy used in the field of regenerative medicines to stimulate and enhance healing. In a simple language, PRP is considered as the mega doses prepared from the ingredients of our own body for our own healing.

    What types of conditions are treated with PRP?

    Based on the current research, all the orthopaedic related problems such as soft tissue injuries, tendonitis, ligament sprains and muscle tears can be treated well with PRP therapy. It is as well found to be very useful in the treatment, hair restoration and wound healing such as the diabetic foot.

    Is PRP therapy painful?

    A patient typically tolerates the therapy well both with and without anaesthesia. However, post-injection swelling in expected given the PRP induced inflammatory response. But these discomforts such as swelling are observed in the typical injected area which will not be for more than 48 hrs.

    How long does it take the PRP to work?

    Many of the people have noticed some or the other kind of improvement depending upon the problem by 2-3 weeks after the PRP therapy. Symptom improvement has been observed to be slow and subtle with the passage of time, with usual complaint of original pain being replaced by the soreness. Increased endurance and strength are typical observation immediately after the treatment.

    Preparation of PRP?

    A small amount of blood is withdrawn generally 30 ml from the peripheral vein of the patient. The blood is then placed in the centrifuge, to separate platelet from the rest of the components. On the therapeutic aspects, platelet count is enriched 5 fold with 10-15 fold decrease in the volume after the processing. The entire process takes not more than 20 mins to increase the concentration of platelet along with the inherent stimulation of stem cells for quick proliferation, differentiation and regeneration. The concentrated PRP is then injected around the area or in the joints to speed up the process of healing.

    Major Skin Abrasions

    What is PRP?
    PRP is the platelet Rich Plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of the blood, which serves as the host for all the cellular components of the blood like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Thus platelets naturally make up about 10% of the blood"s cellular component. With the help of a technology, it is possible to flip the ratio of platelets upto 90% concentration. Therefore it is named as the Platelet Rich Plasma.
    What is PRP treatment and how does it work?
    Platelets are known as the first respondents after the injury. Immediately after the injury, the human body starts eliciting an immune response allowing platelets and other immune components to migrate at the site of injury. At the targeted site, these platelets are known to secrete various growth factors and clotting factors to initiate the healing process, promote blood vessels formations as well as collagen synthesis. These platelets are also known to trigger the secretion of many bioactive molecules, which can attract many macrophages, mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblasts. PRP is a non surgical healing treatment used in the field of regenerative medicines to stimulate and enhance healing. In a simple language, PRP is considered as the mega doses prepared from the ingredients of our own body for our own healing.
    What types of conditions are treated with PRP?
    Based on the current research, all the orthopaedic related problems such as soft tissue injuries, tendonitis, ligament sprains and muscle tears can be treated well with PRP treatment. It is as well found to be very useful in anti aging treatment, hair restoration and wound healing such as diabetes foot.
    Is PRP treatment painful?
    Patient typically tolerates the treatment well both with and without anaesthesia. However post injection swelling in expected given the PRP induced inflammatory response. But these discomforts such as swelling are observed in the typical injected area which will not be for more than 48 hrs.
    How long does it take the PRP to work?
    Many of the people have notices some or the other kind of improvement depending upon the problem by 2-3 weeks after the PRP treatment. Symptom improvement has been observed to be slow and subtle with the passage of time, with usual complaint of original pain being replaced by the soreness. Increased endurance and strength are typical observation immediately after the treatment.
    Preparation of PRP?
    A small amount of blood is withdrawn generally 30 ml from the peripheral vein of the patient. The blood is then placed in the centrifuge, to separate platelet from rest of the components. On the therapeutic aspects, platelet count is enriched 5 fold with 10-15 fold decrease in the volume after the processing. The entire process takes not more than 20 mins to increase the concentration of platelet along with the inherent stimulation of stem cells for quick proliferation, differentiation and regeneration. The concentrated PRP is then injected around the area or in the joints to speed up the process of healing.

    Anti Aging

    How can stem cells be helpful in Anti-Ageing Treatment?

    As we age, our body’s natural tendency to renew tissue specific cell declines; because of the gradual depletion of reserved quota of stem cells. These stem cells are recently identified as bio-warriors with an ability to unlimited multiplications and replace ageing cells that have weakened or degenerated. It should as well be noted that stressful lifestyle, malnutrition, bad eating habits and poor environmental factors can aggravate the effects of ageing. Thankfully, with the help of technical advancements and new insights into the science of regenerative medicine, there is a chance to revert or at least slow down the process of ageing. Autologous applications of stem cells, isolated from person’s own fat reserves are found to be helpful in preventing premature ageing as well as age related disorders. Studies have confirmed their contribution in maintaining youthfulness, indeed. These cells, when enriched in sterile conditions and infused in the body can stimulate the stem cells reserves to undergo self-multiplication. They have as well identified to boost natural regulating mechanism of our body, to boost immune system and increase energy levels.

    What can you expect from anti-ageing treatment with Advancells?

    Over the past five years, we have standardized our protocol, according to individual needs of each patient; accordingly, we have ensured the best results from our therapy. You can expect below mentioned pronounced improvements that have noted in almost 70% of our treated patients, to more or less extent.

    • Higher energy levels and stamina
    • Firmer and tightened skin, improved hair structure as well as hair growth
    • Better memory, quick mental response
    • Subsidized muscular, joints as well as back pain
    • Improved skin texture
    • Better sleep and elimination of chronic fatigue
    Who can apply for anti-ageing therapy with Advancells?

    We offer novel anti-ageing therapy using a very natural and holistic approach. Our autologous stem cells programme is aimed at both the prevention of premature ageing and age-related diseases. In this regard, people applying for our anti-ageing therapy are those who:

    • Are in good health or have minor health related issues, but would like to feel and look even better.
    • Have no major health conditions but suffer from chronic fatigue, headaches, muscle pains, etc.
    • Aim to delay the process of ageing, prolong their active lifestyle and prevent age related issues.

    Hair Loss

    What causes hair loss in men?
    In many men hair loss follows a very specific pattern of baldness, which is most of the times observed to be hereditary in nature. Some of the environmental factors have also found to be responsible for the male pattern baldness due to unusual activation of some of the secondary hormones; which can ultimately result in thinning of hair follicles, leaving behind balding areas.
    What causes hair loss in women?
    Hair thinning in women has been observed as a result of many inherent conditions such as autoimmunity, hereditary, puberty, etc. Some of the other environmental factors such as age, nutrition, stress, surgery, medication, illness are equally responsible for unusual thinning of hair follicles and hair loss.
    How significantly can it bother my life?
    This is a very obvious concern expressed by many of the people falling in the category of the young generation. Probably many of them may be particular for their appearance and may even don't know that they might have to live with the problem throughout their life. Among every odds, the soothing news is that the disease is neither painful nor a debilitating. Although, it does not affect once life expectancy; the emotional aspects of being with the disease can be quite a challenge; especially in a society identifying hair as a sign of youth and beauty.
    Is there any treatment for the condition?
    Traditionally, only topical applicators were available for the condition such as creams, ointments, wigs, etc. However, these treatments were not successful in altering the condition or stopping the progression of the disease. However, with the help of modern technology and scientific advancements, it is now possible to implement stem cells treatment as a routine method to treat such a cosmetic condition.
    What is PRP?
    PRP can be identified as the component of blood that is rich in its platelet content. These platelets are known to secret specific growth factors, required for tissue regeneration and faster initialization of the healing process. The safety, efficacy and feasibility of the use of PRP treatment has been confirmed by various clinical studies worldwide; only through which the treatment has been established to be very effective in wide range of clinical problems such as cosmetic surgery, wound healing, sports injury, etc.
    How do you perform the procedure?
    To isolate platelet-rich plasma, approximately 30 ml of blood is withdrawn from the peripheral vein of the person. The blood is spun in the centrifuge tube with the help of a sterile closed system and the platelets are concentrated with the help of our standardized procedure; through which, platelets are being concentrated almost 3X times. The protocol helps us to remove unwanted cells that can delay the process of healing. At the time of infusions, patients are being given local anaesthesia and PRP is being infused around the follicles in the skin.
    Who should opt for the PRP?
    Since two decades, PRP is being used as a non-surgical alternative for stimulating natural growth of hair follicles, in case of conditions such as thinning of hairs or receding hairline.
    The science has proved that the platelet-rich blood component secretes various growth factors that are required for faster recovery, hair growth, nutritional supplement of the scalp and follicles. The treatment is found to be effective in the highest concentration of platelet and when given locally around the follicles. The effectiveness of the PRP treatment in case of hair restoration has been confirmed by various clinical studies with optimistic results.
    What are the expected benefits of PRP?
    The PRP treatment will be helpful in promoting hair growth with stronger hair follicles. Typically improvement in hair mass can be visibly confirmed after the treatment. There are devices available, which can as well measure the improvement quantitatively and predict the expected improvements during the period of development. On an average of 4 to 6 months are required to visually confirm the PRP treatment outcomes.

    Cosmetic Dentistry

    What do we mean by cosmetic dentistry?

    The word cosmetic can be related with aesthetically beneficial changes in the appearance, particularly a smile. If one is not happy with his or her smile, denture alignment and/or is suffering from any of the gum diseases; then cosmetic dentistry may be a solution for these problems.

    May I choose to be sedated?

    Yes; however, the level of necessary sedation depends upon several factors, including but not limited to patient’s health and medical history, what procedure does patient want to undergo as well as the necessity of the sedation. On a generalized note, many patients don’t require any high level of sedation during cosmetic dental problems.

    Why Can’t Smokers undergo certain procedures?

    Studies have indicated that smoking is the leading cause of tooth loss, due to different bone related and craniofacial complexities. Smokers come under the high-risk zone, for many dangerous conditions, like leukoplakia, loss of bone structure, inflammation of salivary glands, development of lung, throat, oral cancer, etc. Thus, they have to face an additional risk of considerations, when exploring cosmetic treatment due to defective gum health.

    How many visits will it take, to fix my teeth related issue and improve my smile?

    Although, the number of visits varies from patient to patient, but person would be able to notice overall oral health improvement and appearance in just a single visit. Although, science and technology are working hand in hand to make these treatments, as convenient as possible; to make them available routinely.

    Will my new smile be permanent?

    Yes, with good home care and regular visits to our specialists; modern materials that have been used for a procedure can last for many years, even possibly for decades. Thus, like most clinical procedure do; even cosmetic dentistry demands excellent maintenance.

    Jawline Reconstruction

    What is orthodontics?
    Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry, which specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental, facial and other craniofacial irregularities. Orthodontists or dental specialists have acquired specialized training and education in using different types of materials and technology to implement these corrective measures.
    What are the different signs for orthodontic treatment?
    • Early or late loss of baby teeth
    • Difficulty in chewing and/or biting
    • Crowded teeth
    • Joints that make sounds
    • Overbite and/or Underbite
    • Excessive spaces between the teeth
    What are different craniofacial issues, that need immediate treatment?

    A craniofacial region is primarily comprised of a framework of bones and cartilages, giving support to muscles, ligaments, glands and various other soft tissues, including skin and subcutaneous layers. Apparently, all these elements are innervated by the body’s most sophisticated neurovascular network, allowing for its complete functional as well as sensorial capabilities. Various injuries caused as a result of trauma, tumor, cyst development, infectious disease spreading and/or congenital as well as other developmental conditions may result into serious functional, aesthetic as well as psychological sequelae. In this regard, structural loss of hard and soft tissues can be often disfiguring and compromising; thus, hampering basic functions, like mastication, speech, swallowing and also in thermal and physical protection.

    How stem cells therapy can be useful in undergoing Craniofacial Tissue Regeneration?

    Stem cells are known to be the most potent cells in our body with the ability to retain their number back, through mitotic cell division and can undergo directed differentiation into variety of other specialized cells. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from dental pulp tissue are found to be very helpful in guided tissue regeneration in the craniofacial cavity. However, it has as well been very apparent in different bench side studies that stem cells behavior and differentiation ability can be enhanced significantly through generation of suitable three-dimensional microenvironment. This microenvironment can be constructed through biomimetic scaffolds made up of All/Xeno/Auto substitutes in order to enhance and speed up the process of tissue reconstruction.

    How long will it take to complete the treatment?

    Being a very individualistic treatment, the total treatment time would obviously be dependent upon everyone’s specific problem with varied severity. In general, treatment time lasts from 8 months to 12 months.

    What should I consider, while choosing an orthodontic specialist?

    Since, every orthodontic procedure includes permanent structural and functional changes in teeth and other facial tissues; it is very important that the specialist should be experienced and well aware of the latest technology to achieve, appropriate and desired results. Moreover, an orthodontic specialist to be chosen, should have extensive and specialized knowledge and expertise to offer very professional and specialized treatment plans.

    How much will the treatment cost?

    Since, it is very difficult to accurately determine different treatment costs without clinically examining the patient; we would advise patients to undergo detailed consultation; wherein, we would assess the issue, through in person consultation, in order to evaluate the cost of treatment

    Sinus lift after tooth loss

    What is Sinus Lift Augmentation?
    When we lose a tooth, the body has a natural tendency to re-absorb the bone that is not being used; around that particular area. Accordingly, after some period of time the implants cannot be placed in that particular area, due to insufficient availability of bones. In this regard, sinus lift augmentation is the only possible solution. Augmentation is simply application of biodegradable scaffolds that are being offered for the regeneration of new bone structures.
    What is Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)?
    Guided bone regeneration is a sophisticated technique that is being routinely used today. The procedure is generally being implemented to stabilize the endangered jawbone and to further preparing it for dental implants. During this procedure, the pockets of degenerated bones are thoroughly cleaned; and a scaffold of biodegradable material (Auto/Allo/Xeno) is being installed between the soft tissue and the pocket in the bone. These newly designed membranes don’t need any removal as they are bio-absorbable. The stem cells isolated from dental pulp are being re-infused on the membrane to offer them a three-dimensional microenvironment to regenerate lost or damaging tissues.
    Am I a candidate for sinus lift augmentation?
    A sinus lift may be necessary for you, if you are:

    • Missing more than one tooth, in the back of your jaw.
    • Missing a significant amount of your bone in the back of your jaw.
    • Missing teeth due to birth defect or some other congenital abnormalities.
    • Missing many of the maxillary teeth, but require some support for further dental implants.
    How is the augmentation procedure being accomplished?
    In the most commonly accepted procedure, a small incision is being made on the premolar or molar region of the jawbone; that is being treated. Through this small opening, the membrane lining the sinus is being pushed upward. The underlying space is filled with synthetic, biodegradable bone grafting scaffold, made up of Auto/Allo/Xeno substitutes. Mesenchymal stem cells, isolated from dental pulp tissue are being re-implanted on the membrane to allow directed integration into functional bone. Once the stem cells are implanted, the healing process begins. After few months of healing time, the bone becomes a part of your jaw and further implants can be inserted and stabilized in this new sinus bone.
    Will I feel any procedural discomfort? Or Will it hurt during the procedure?
    Since, you will be given local anesthesia; you might not feel any discomfort during the procedure. However, post treatment, slight swelling of the operated area is not unusual. Some people have reported extreme sensitivity, especially towards the cold that usually decreases within several weeks, post treatment. Further to which, this extreme sensitivity can as well be minimized by keeping the area as free of plaque as possible. Moreover, minor bleeding may occur within first 48 hours following treatment.
    How stem cells therapy can be useful in undergoing Craniofacial Tissue Regeneration?
    Stem cells are known to be the most potent cells in our body with the ability to retain their number back, through mitotic cell division and can undergo directed differentiation into variety of other specialized cells. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from dental pulp tissue are found to be very helpful in guided tissue regeneration in the craniofacial cavity. However, it has as well been very apparent in different bench side studies that stem cells behavior and differentiation ability can be enhanced significantly through generation of suitable three-dimensional microenvironment. This microenvironment can be constructed through biomimetic scaffolds made up of All/Xeno/Auto substitutes in order to enhance and speed up the process of tissue reconstruction.
    How long will it take to complete the treatment?
    Being a very individualistic treatment, the total treatment time would obviously be dependent upon everyone’s specific problem with varied severity. In general, treatment time lasts from 8 months to 12 months.
    How much will the treatment cost?
    Since, it is very difficult to accurately determine different treatment costs without clinically examining the patient; we would advise patients to undergo detailed consultation; wherein, we would assess the issue, through in person consultation, in order to evaluate the cost of treatment.

    Periodontal Disease Treatment

    What are Periodontal Diseases?
    Periodontal diseases are commonly identified as the gum diseases are progressive issues, which if ignored or left untreated for longer time duration; may result in serious consequences, such as tooth loss. Periodontitis or gum disorders may initially begin with the inflammation or swelling in the gum that may slowly start irritating surrounding gingival tissues that are supporting the teeth.
    What are common indications of Gum Disorders?

    Various clinical investigations and statistical analysis have suggested various genetic as well as environmental factors to be responsible for the onset of gum disorders. In any case, below mentioned list of common causes can help you to prevent periodontal diseases, through proper precautions.

    • Poor Dental Hygiene
    • Usage of Tobacco
    • Genetic Predisposition
    • Pregnancy and menopause
    • Chronic Stress and Poor diet
    • Diabetes and underlying medical issues
    • Grinding Teeth
    • Medications
    What are the symptoms of Periodontal Infections?

    Since, these infections grow under the gums; they cannot trigger any symptoms at all.

    Patients with more advanced periodontal disease, may experience some of the following symptoms:

    • Swollen, red and/or tender gums
    • Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold
    • Bad breath
    • Deep pockets around teeth
    • Spaces between the teeth
    • Loose and/or shifting teeth
    • Missing teeth
    • Gums receding around the teeth
    How can periodontal diseases be treated?

    Periodontal Disease is a gum and jawbone infection; accordingly, a treatment goal should be to remove infection, through natural integration of body’s own cellular mechanism and an extensive array of latest technologies to minimize procedural discomfort. Thus, combining regenerative potential of stem cells with biocompatible scaffolds, can be a promising strategy for natural development of diseased or damaged soft tissues, in the periodontal cavities, such as gums.

    How can I be benefitted through this treatment?

    Today, a great smile can be listed as one of the primary attributes that reflects well on one’s personality; to have that positive impact from the social and professional aspects. Although, cosmetic dentistry is not just limited to the pretty smiles, but also about ensuring excellent, personalized care and better treatment outcome; hence, with new techniques and materials available with us, we are able to notice better functional outcome.

    Dental Implants

    What are dental implants?
    If you lose one or more teeth due to sudden trauma, injury or spread of infections, as in case of periodontal diseases; dental implants can help you regain your self-confidence back. Thus, dental implants are recently designed small titanium screws, acting as anchors; to provide a strong and stable foundation, just like a natural tooth root. Thus, dental implants can help in restoring back the ability to eat everything and smile with confidence. Technically, the jawbones around the area of missing tooth are anchored with the help of titanium screw to help create a strong foundation for artificially grafted tooth. The small posts that generally protrude through the gums are then attached to the new artificial tooth, which will help to preserve facial counters, prevent further bone loss and restore functional attributes of missing tooth.
    What are dental implants for?

    Dental implants can be used for:

    • Single tooth replacement
    • Multiple teeth replacement
    • Full mouth reconstruction
    • Stabilizing dentures
    Do dental implants look real?
    Implants are like your own natural teeth. In fact, you won’t notice the difference probably. Their functional attributes are also same as natural and hence you can virtually eat anything, as you were eating, before you lost your teeth.
    How is the dental implant procedure being accomplished?
    A procedure of dental implants will typically be accomplished in two phases and the process may require up to seven months for the entire process to be complete; depending upon the rate of healing. During the procedure, local anesthesia will be offered for numbness. An incision will be made through gum around the site of tooth loss, to allow implant to be screwed on place. An enriched fraction of dental pulp derived stem cells, along with your own platelet rich plasma will be introduced at the targeted site to allow speedy integration of implants through generation of new bone.
    In the second phase of implants; a small incision is being made around implants, with the application of local anesthesia. A small extension will be placed on the implants; this is where the crown will be placed.
    How long do dental implant take?

    Since every individual is unique, the procedure that is being offered will also be very specific.

    There are several factors, which determine the length and the treatment outcome.

    They may include:

    • Overall Dental Health.
    • Number of teeth and type of teeth that are being replaced.
    • Whether teeth need to be extracted and/or bone grafting needs to be done before procedure, etc.
    Is the treatment painful?

    As with any other dental procedure, there can be slight discomfort; the extent and severity of which, may vary from patient to patient. However, latest technologies that have implanted herewith are committed to make dental procedures, as pain free as possible. With reference to many of the reported incidences, slight swelling, bleeding can be experienced post treatment; however, it is reported to get subsided within few hours post treatment.

    How stem cells therapy can be useful in undergoing Craniofacial Tissue Regeneration?

    Stem cells are known to be the most potent cells in our body with the ability to retain their number back, through mitotic cell division and can undergo directed differentiation into variety of other specialized cells. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from dental pulp tissue are found to be very helpful in guided tissue regeneration in the craniofacial cavity. However, it has as well been very apparent in different bench side studies that stem cells behavior and differentiation ability can be enhanced significantly through generation of suitable three-dimensional microenvironment. This microenvironment can be constructed through biomimetic scaffolds made up of All/Xeno/Auto substitutes in order to enhance and speed up the process of tissue reconstruction.

    Is there any special care I need to take with my implants?

    Dental implants should be cared just like your natural teeth. In general, it is advised to brush twice a day, flossing regularly to prevent further plaque formation and schedule routine dental examinations.

    How much will the treatment cost?

    Since, it is very difficult to accurately determine different treatment costs without clinically examining the patient; we would advise patients to undergo detailed consultation; wherein, we would assess the issue, through in person consultation, in order to evaluate the cost of treatment.

    Bone Grafting with Dental Implants

    Why do I need bone grafting?
    As body’s natural tendency, a considerable bone resorption is observed after tooth loss; due to which, implanting a new, artificial tooth becomes impossible. In this regard, bone grafting can be suggested to prepare a strong platform for stronger dental implants, in an aesthetic manner. As a matter of fact, bone grafting can also be used to save teeth, which may have experienced bone loss, resulting from gum diseases.
    What causes bone loss?
    A bone loss can be caused, due to:

    • Loss of tooth
    • Localized infection
    • Gum Diseases
    • Trauma
    What are the potential benefits of bone grafting?
    Bone grafting is a process that assist your body in regenerating lost bone. Over the period of time, latest technology has been incorporated to make the procedure pain free and minimally invasive; limiting the need to exploit bone from another part of your own body. With the incorporation of regenerative stem cells, which have been isolated from dental pulp tissues; it is now possible to allow natural regeneration and integration of new bone to restore lost function. Moreover, tissue engineering and application of biocompatible tissue grafts can create a suitable microenvironment for easy acceptance of implants.
    How long does bone grafting take place?
    Since every individual is unique, the procedure that is being offered will also be very specific. There are several factors, which determine the length and the treatment outcome. They may include overall dental health, integration of stem cells into jaw bone and their internal mechanics. However, in general, a period of 3-6 months is allowed for healing.
    Where does grafted bone come from?
    Conventionally, the bone required for a bone grafting procedure had to be taken from another part of jawbone and/or body. This requires indulgence into additional surgical procedures and thus, can impact cost as well as recovery period. However, technology has gained access to different substitutes of bone grafts that are of Auto/Allo/Xeno origin. These grafts are specifically biocompatible grafts that are made up of synthetic material and can be used as a potential, risk free substitute of your own bone.
    How stem cells therapy can be useful in undergoing Tissue Regeneration?
    Stem cells are known to be the most potent cells in our body with the ability to retain their number back, through mitotic cell division and can undergo directed differentiation into variety of other specialized cells. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from dental pulp tissue are found to be very helpful in guided tissue regeneration in the craniofacial cavity. However, it has as well been very apparent in different bench side studies that stem cells behavior and differentiation ability can be enhanced significantly through generation of suitable three-dimensional microenvironment. This microenvironment can be constructed through biomimetic scaffolds made up of All/Xeno/Auto substitutes in order to enhance and speed up the process of tissue reconstruction.
    Is there any special care I need to take with my grafts?
    Dental implants should be cared just like your natural teeth. In general, it is advised to brush twice a day, flossing regularly to prevent further plaque formation and schedule routine dental examinations.
    How can I reduce a future risk of bone loss?
    How can I reduce a future risk of bone loss?
    How much will the treatment cost?
    Since, it is very difficult to accurately determine different treatment costs without clinically examining the patient; we would advise patients to undergo detailed consultation; wherein, we would assess the issue, through in person consultation, in order to evaluate the cost of treatment.
    Advancells is a strong advocate of greater transparency in medical procedures in general and Stem Cells Procedures in particular. We do not have any medical doctors on our payroll and we do not give any medical opinion or conduct medical procedures at our premises. We are a CGMP compliant cell manufacturing facility and provide each client a Third Party Certificate (from an internationally accredited lab) for the cell count and viability of our cells. View sample Certificate