Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease

With leading-edge technologies and years of understanding of stem cell dynamics

Recent investigations have proved that the pleiotropic effects of MSCs are mediated by the secreted paracrine mediators called the Exosomes

we offer a combination of stem cells and stem cell-derived exosomes.

Stem Cells for Parkinson’s Latest Treatment

Described for the first time by James Parkinson in 1817, the disease is characteristically linked with the functional loss of neurons due to the accumulation of protein aggregates namely Lewy Bodies. PD is clinically recognized as a core motor symptom; however, non-motor symptoms can also be linked with functional disabilities. Mesenchymal stem cells and their exosomes are important for regulating brain homeostasis through controlling neuronal inflammation; further resulting in gaining important clinical outcomes.

Stem Cells For Parkinson’s Disease: Advancells Protocol

Advancells is excited by the prodigious prospects of regenerative medicine for treating various degenerative conditions including PD. Various studies have explained how the trans-differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from various autologous sources as well as allogeneic sources makes them ideal candidates for therapeutic applications. Some studies have also indicated that although it might not be currently possible to exploit all the stem cells into dopaminergic neurons; these cells have been suggested to have other potential benefits when administered in combination with exosomes like anti-inflammatory properties and neuroprotective activity stimulated by resident stem cells due to paracrine effects.
With these promising investigations, Advancells has developed a potential treatment approach with the help of extensive optimization and a thorough investigation of safety and feasibility. The right quantity of stem cells, in combination with exosomes, are administered through the right path for effective clinical outcomes.

Procedure For Treatment Of Parkinson’s Disease Using Stem Cells

Treatment Qualification
Source Extraction
Processing of stem cells
The neurological condition gets progressively worse over some time, causing trouble with swift movement and stiffness. Investigations have proposed the death of neuronal cells in the important region of the brain, namely “ Substantia Nigra” to be responsible for functional loss. With conventional medicine, no solid treatment is available for PD; whereas regenerative medicine can significantly help in leading a normal life, and delaying the progression. However, early diagnosis is always a key to success; hence it is very important to identify specific symptoms of all the different types of PD, listed herewith:
Trouble balancing
Trouble balancing
Trouble walking
Trouble walking
Muscle rigidity
Muscle rigidity
Poor coordination
Poor coordination
Loss of smell
Loss of smell
Unnatural constipation
Unnatural constipation
Behavioral problems
Low blood pressure on standing up
Low blood pressure on standing up
Wight fluctuation
Wight fluctuation
Acute loss
Acute loss of cognitive functions
Acute visual disturbances
Acute visual disturbances
Changes in sex drive
Changes in sex drive
Muscle rigidity
Muscle rigidity
Abnormal heart rate
Abnormal heart rate
Abnormal digestion
Abnormal digestion
Loss of bladder control
Loss of bladder control
Constant low blood pressure
Constant low blood pressure
Abnormal posture
Abnormal posture
Loss of movement
Loss of movement
Muscle rigidity
Muscle rigidity
Loss of control over muscular movements
Loss of control over muscular movements
With conventional medicine, no proper diagnosis or objective screening tests are available currently confirming PD. Having said that medical experts are referring to the constellation of factors for linking up with PD.

  • Low or falling levels of dopamine due to stress, hormonal imbalance, aging
  • Low production of norepinephrine, another neurotransmitter lost due to damage to the nerve endings
  • Formation of Lewy bodies, a clump of proteins that can further cause neuronal loss.
  • Genetic factors or mutations are identified to be responsible for PD.
  • Other chronic inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis are identified to be directly connected with PD.
  • Post traumatic brain injury, especially from contact sports, accidents may increase the risk of the condition.
  • Long-term exposure to metallic toxins like pesticides, pollutants, lead, solvents, etc. can lead to extensive deposition of Lewy bodies; further leading to PD.
  • Certain steroidal medications, if consumed for a long-term period can lead to tremors and the development of other symptoms evident in PD.
With multiple stages of PD, involving tremors, stiffness, posture problems, etc. proper rehabilitation is considered to be very important post stem cells infusion; which will maximize functional abilities, and minimize any secondary infections if any due to regulation of inflammatory markers. Accordingly, Advancells is suggesting a host of rehabilitation services, post stem cell infusion to tackle both motors as well as non-motor symptoms of PD.
Physiotherapy Physiotherapy focuses on multiple functions including transfer, posture, balance, coordination, gait, upper limb functions, etc. The proposed combined effects of physiotherapy have been found to help cue strategies, cognitive movements, increased independence, as well as safety.
Resistance training and muscle strength
Resistance training and muscle strengthDaily strength training can help improve motor as well as non-motor functions. These exercises can increase mitochondrial respiration and stimulation of the neuroplasticity mechanism; to promote selective activation of muscles, and improvement of motor units.
AcupunctureData is supporting acupuncture for people with chronic PD; and is widely acknowledged for several beneficial strategies like improvement in pain, reduction in tremors, etc. Overall acupuncture can help regulate motor as well as non-motor symptoms.
Hydrotherapy Proven to be effective for different gait rehabilitation, improving balance, and quality of life. Regular sessions of hydrotherapy can also improve balance, frequent falls, and pain.
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation
Transcutaneous electrical stimulationThe electrical stimulation helps regulate one of the cardinal symptoms of PD, the tremors. Studies have confirmed that propriospinal neurons in the C3-C4 spinal cord are responsible for mediating voluntary commands; which can interfere with tremor signal transmission to control them.
Other integrative techniques
Other integrative techniquesOther integrative techniques like portraying virtual reality can improve functional activities required in daily living. Studies have mentioned greater improvement in many signs and symptoms including balance, gait, functional capacity, etc.

Multiple clinical trials have emphasized that the rationale use of adult stem cell therapy, isolated from potential sources is safe for treatment. Although, clinicians and researchers do not have any control over the number of infused stem cells to be converted into specific cells, in existing stem cell technology; maximum cells are forced to reach the site of injury with the help of exosomes to heighten paracrine immune response for precise delivery. With an in-depth understanding of previously published trials, we propose a reversal and multimodal treatment of PD using stem cells and exosomes. With our previous case investigations, we propose

Worldwide Clinical Studies using Stem Cells obtained from different sources

60% people have reported increased survival functions on an average with 87.76 months

With the administration of stem cells and exosomes, the primary goal is to offer speedy recovery, reduce the level of inflammation and regain functional attributes lost.

  • Margrethe Stege, 82 years old, Parkinson’s Disease

    Year of birth: 1931 Job: Not Specified Marital status: Not Specified Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease Diagnosis Although, it’s been 16 long years since I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease; it has taken many ups and downs. With each passing year, my efforts to…

  • Lawrence Lindsey, 68 years old, Parkinson’s Disease

    Year of birth: 1958 Job: Retired Police Officer Marital status: Three Children and Six Grandchildren Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease Diagnosis Being retired from a job of police officer, and retired USAR officer; I have led a fairly active life; as both…

  • Gilda Bertran, 54 years old, Parkinson’s Disease

    Year of birth: 1966 Job: Not Specified Marital status: Not Specified Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease Diagnosis I was a very active athlete and frequently participated in marathons and triathlons before I developed a back condition and had to undergo 3 spinal…




Trouble balancing
Trouble balancing

Trouble walking
Trouble walking

Muscle rigidity
Muscle rigidity

Poor coordination
Poor coordination

Loss of smell
Loss of smell

Unnatural constipation
Unnatural constipation

Behavioral problems
Behavioral problems


Low blood pressure on standing up
Low blood pressure on standing up

Wight fluctuation
Wight fluctuation



Acute loss of cognitive functions
Acute loss of cognitive functions

Acute visual disturbances
Acute visual disturbances

Changes in sex drive
Changes in sex drive

Muscle rigidity
Muscle rigidity

Abnormal heart rate
Abnormal heart rate

Abnormal digestion
Abnormal digestion


Loss of bladder control
Loss of bladder control

High blood pressure, heavy breathing
High blood pressure, heavy breathing

Locked In syndrome, can only move eyes
“Locked In” syndrome, can only move eyes

Irregular heartbeats
Irregular heartbeats

Unexplained chest discomfort
Unexplained chest discomfort



Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath

Extreme weakness on one side of the body
Extreme weakness on one side of the body

With conventional medicine, no proper diagnosis or objective screening tests are available currently confirming PD. Having said that medical experts are referring to the constellation of factors for linking up with PD.


  • Low or falling levels of dopamine due to stress, hormonal imbalance, aging
  • Low production of norepinephrine, another neurotransmitter lost due to damage to the nerve endings
  • Formation of Lewy bodies, a clump of proteins that can further cause neuronal loss.
  • Genetic factors or mutations are identified to be responsible for PD.
  • Other chronic inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis are identified to be directly connected with PD.
  • Post traumatic brain injury, especially from contact sports, accidents may increase the risk of the condition.
  • Long-term exposure to metallic toxins like pesticides, pollutants, lead, solvents, etc. can lead to extensive deposition of Lewy bodies; further leading to PD.
  • Certain steroidal medications, if consumed for a long-term period can lead to tremors and the development of other symptoms evident in PD.

With multiple stages of PD, involving tremors, stiffness, posture problems, etc. proper rehabilitation is considered to be very important post stem cells infusion; which will maximize functional abilities, and minimize any secondary infections if any due to regulation of inflammatory markers. Accordingly, Advancells is suggesting a host of rehabilitation services, post stem cell infusion to tackle both motors as well as non-motor symptoms of PD.


Resistance training and muscle strength
Resistance training and muscle strength



Transcutaneous electrical stimulation
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation

Other integrative techniques
Other integrative techniques


Multiple clinical trials have emphasized that the rationale use of adult stem cell therapy, isolated from potential sources is safe for treatment. Although, clinicians and researchers do not have any control over the number of infused stem cells to be converted into specific cells, in existing stem cell technology; maximum cells are forced to reach the site of injury with the help of exosomes to heighten paracrine immune response for precise delivery. With an in-depth understanding of previously published trials, we propose a reversal and multimodal treatment of PD using stem cells and exosomes. With our previous case investigations, we propose

Worldwide Clinical Studies using Stem Cells obtained from different sources

70% people have reported increased survival functions on an average with 87.76 months

With the administration of stem cells and exosomes, the primary goal is to offer speedy recovery, reduce the level of inflammation and regain functional attributes lost.

  • Margrethe Stege, 82 years old, Parkinson’s Disease

    Year of birth: 1931 Job: Not Specified Marital status: Not Specified Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease Diagnosis Although, it’s been 16 long years since I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease; it has taken many ups and downs. With each passing year, my efforts to…

  • Lawrence Lindsey, 68 years old, Parkinson’s Disease

    Year of birth: 1958 Job: Retired Police Officer Marital status: Three Children and Six Grandchildren Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease Diagnosis Being retired from a job of police officer, and retired USAR officer; I have led a fairly active life; as both…

  • Gilda Bertran, 54 years old, Parkinson’s Disease

    Year of birth: 1966 Job: Not Specified Marital status: Not Specified Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease Diagnosis I was a very active athlete and frequently participated in marathons and triathlons before I developed a back condition and had to undergo 3 spinal…

Must Read Articles on Parkinson’s Disease

What can I do to reduce these ‘off’ periods in Parkinson?
What can I do to reduce these ‘off’ periods in Parkinson?

Parkinson's disease can throw frustrating curveballs, like sudden stiffness or tremors that slow you down right when you need to be on top of your game. These unexpected slowdowns are called motor fluctuations, but here's the good news: they're a well-understood part...

Early Signs And Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease: An Overview
Early Signs And Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease: An Overview

Have you ever noticed the handwriting of someone you care about where it becomes smaller and more cramped over time? Have you observed someone struggling to smell their food? These everyday occurrences might actually be indicators of Parkinson's disease, a condition...

Meta-analysis of Parkinson’s Treatment using stem cells

Meta-analysis presented by studying different worldwide trials using different types and sources of stem cells for the safety and feasibility of cell transplantation in PD. The analysis further confirmed that compared to follow-up of more than 18 months, most of the improvements were reported in 6-12 months only. Efficacy is a variable factor, much widely depending upon the length of the follow-up. As such no adverse reaction was reported during the clinical investigations and efficacy was determined based on clinical improvement.


Advancells is a strong advocate of greater transparency in medical procedures in general and Stem Cells Procedures in particular. We do not have any medical doctors on our payroll and we do not give any medical opinion or conduct medical procedures at our premises. We are a CGMP compliant cell manufacturing facility and provide each client a Third Party Certificate (from an internationally accredited lab) for the cell count and viability of our cells. View sample Certificate