Stem cell therapy for Orthopaedic Disorders

A paradigm shift in cellular therapies for regenerative medicine

Employing novel mesenchymal stem cells, their signalling mediators and secretome therapies to modulate the immune system and treat pain

Our platform leverage stem cells as cellular pharmacies and utilizes secretome as a therapeutic agent

Stem Cell Treatment For Orthopedic Ailments

Orthopedics, a branch of medical science primarily associated with the musculoskeletal disorders; and is mainly concerned with the issues related to locomotary organs in our body, like bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, etc. The tissues are highly crucial for synchronized movements and active life that we are living; however, due to sudden stimulation of inflammatory pathways inside our body, we may experience chronic pain, joint degeneration, fibromyalgia, muscle weakness, and even restricted movement in extreme cases. Some of the commonly encountered issues in this particular branch of medical science are Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Since, conventional medical science is not offering any definitive treatment; regenerative medicine has explored different ways to control damage due to inflammatory pathways. The clinical studies investigated worldwide, for examining anti-inflammatory properties of stem cells have confirmed consistent results.

Some of The Commonly Encountered Issues Within This Branch of Medical Science Are:


Sometimes also called as degenerative joint disorders, is one of the most commonly reported form of arthritis affecting 27 million people in developed countries like US, UK, India etc. Although, any joint can be degenerated in case of OA, but knees, hips, lower back, neck, small joints of fingers, etc. are some of the commonly complained areas. It is crucial to understand that people of all age groups are affected with this condition. The statistics further suggests that one out of two adults can develop symptoms related to knee, over 40 years of age, whereas one in four may complain about pain in hip between 40-60 years of their age.

Studies have revealed that the condition is associated with breakdown or progressive degeneration of articular cartilage between joints, which acts as protective, rubbery cushion for joints. In inflammatory disorders like OA, cartilage breaks down further causing pain, swelling, and locomotary issues. With neglection, OA can further worsen due to inflammation in the body to the extent that bone may chip off and float around in joints. The condition can aggravate intense pain.


Fibromyalgia is the third most common musculoskeletal issue, after osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In reality, fibromyalgia does not cause any severe damage to joints or other tissues. However, it is related to arthritis due to severe muscular pain, tiredness and unexplained fatigue that can have a significant negative impact on a day to day schedule.

Although, exact cause of the indication is not known much, but inflammation has been thought of as one of the most common cause of pain. Through conventional medication, inflammation was suppressed with the help of steroidal medicines; however, due to long term proven side effects of steroids their implementation was controlled. The modern medicine has offered definitive solution to this issue, with the help of stem cells and the science of regenerative medicines. 


Osteoporosis is a serious bone disorder where there is too much of the bone loss due to soft brittle tissue or only half or little formation of bones that are required by the body. Due to excessive brittleness in the bone, bones become too weak and may even break with a minor fall. The condition is progressive to the extent that these bones may get affected even from simple actions like sneezing or bumping into the furniture. The complications associated with osteoporosis can be severe pain and lifetime deformity.

Post Menopausal Osteoporosis

For women, beyond the age of 40 years, post the menopausal phase, the body’s bone renewal process tends to slow down to the extent that the bone resorption may exceed than renewal resulting in a gradual bone decrease in the bone mass. Once this loss of bone reaches a certain point, a is believed to have osteoporosis. It has been observed that women are at the high risk of developing osteoporosis, as high as four times than men, due to their body structure associated with lighter or thinner bones.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a kind of an autoimmune disorder, affecting joints and other areas of the body, causing them to be chronically inflamed. The negligence to it for a longer period may lead to deformed and painful joints which are severely malfunctioned. With the passage of time, the disease can also affect other organs such as heart apart from joints. Some of the commonly associated indications are:

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis resistant to standard treatments,
  2. Ineffective anti-inflammatory drug therapy including steroids,
  3. Marked decrease in functional capacity of joints,
  4. Tropic disturbances of the musculoskeletal system
  5. Considerable deviations of immunologic and hematopoietic matters
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Treatment

Lupus is a kind of autoimmune disorder altering the body’s immune system and ultimately resulting in swollen joints, red skins, hair loss etc. Although the symptoms associated with the diseases are painful, they do not pose any harm till the time the disease has not spread to the internal critical organs such as heart, brain etc.

This highly complexed auto-immune disorder is mainly associated with inflammatory immune responses that are stimulated within our body, due to multiple genetic factors as well as environmental triggers. The natural anti-inflammatory properties exhibited by stem cells can subside the degenerative responses in our body and promote regeneration or regularization of immune cells, for high functional gain. 

Stem Cell Therapy: Advancells Protocol

At Advancells, we aim at barring the progression of the damage with more emphasis on repealing of the damaged tissue. Our unique treatment pattern is designed in consideration of the patho-physiology of each orthopedic issue, characterized with pain and inflammation. Advancells is excited by the prodigious prospects of stem cells in treating various degenerative conditions, hence we are constantly updating our knowledge and technology to suit unique specifications of each patient. Our primary objective has always been a cessation of progressive degeneration and easing the quality of life at a considerable level. We are always pledged to deliver safe treatment pattern, by offering “Stem cells from your body tissues that are potent enough to offer large number of cells. Today cells obtained through adipose tissue are getting more and more popularity as well as scientific acknowledgement for being highly variable, potent and higher degree of trans-differentiation capacity. The scientific team of Advancells has gained extensive expertise on isolation  with Autologous cells obtained from Adipose Tissues. Our top priority is to provide a very comprehensive, tailor-made treatment option, which would facilitate maximum recovery. That is the reason, we have chosen patients own platelet rich plasma as a strong vehicle, allowing error free deposition of stem cells at the site of injury. Various clinical investigations have identified a strong communication and healing potential of this growth factor concentrate that would elicit major cascade of signalling pathways in stem cells and promote faster regeneration of damaged tissues. For all sports related injuries, we have come up with the advanced and most potent protocol, wherein patients own stem cells are being obtained through Adipose tissue/fat, and activated through PRP; to be able to infuse directly at the site of injury.

Stem Cell Treatment Process for Osteoarthritis at Advancells is divided into 4 Steps

Treatment Qualification

Source Extraction

Processing of stem cells


CAUSES OF Osteoartiritis




Bone injury or deformitiy

Physical stress

SYMPTOMS OF Osteoartiritis

Pain and swelling


Loss of flexibility

Grating sensation

Bone spurs

Why Choose Stem Cell Therapy?

100% Safe

Targeted delivery




regeneration potential

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Conventionally, there are no known cures for osteoarthritis and other chronic orthopaedic disorders besides medications, physiotherapies or as the last resort, replacement surgeries.
With advancements in modern science & innovations in regenerative therapies, stem cells therapies are a great way to vastly improve the quality of life for patients suffering from Osteoarthritis and other orthopaedic disorders.

Recent Orthopaedics Patient Case Stories

Patients from across the world have approached Advancells for stem cells based regenerative therapies. By providing quality regenerative therapies for our patients, we are glad we have been able to improve the quality of life for more than 8000 patients.

Find out how Stem Cell Therapy is improving the lives of patients suffering from Orthopaedic Diseases 

Advancells is a strong advocate of greater transparency in medical procedures in general and Stem Cells Procedures in particular. We do not have any medical doctors on our payroll and we do not give any medical opinion or conduct medical procedures at our premises. We are a CGMP compliant cell manufacturing facility and provide each client a Third Party Certificate (from an internationally accredited lab) for the cell count and viability of our cells. View sample Certificate