The Chronic Kidney disease patient is now stable and is free from undergoing expensive dialysis andkidney transplant procedures
New-Delhi based Stem Cell Therapy solution providers, Advancells, has successfully repaired the damaged kidneys of a 61-year-old retired government servant from Jammu, Kulwant Singh who was suffering from a chronic kidney disease. The non-invasive therapy has relieved the patient from undergoing expensive treatments such as dialysis and kidney transplant procedures.
Organ transplantation has been a very successful enterprise in treating people with organ failure of the kidneys, heart and the lungs. These have been life-saving procedures. But the price people end up paying is for a lifelong use of medications that prevents rejection. The powerful medicines have serious side effects, too, including an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease, and infection. The revolutionary stem cell technology by Advancells impedes the progression of the diseased condition with more emphasis on repealing of the damaged tissue. The stem cells are directly employed at the site of kidney damage with catheter-based injections, wherein they facilitate regeneration of damaged nephrons, thus aiding in kidney failure treatment.
Commenting on this therapy performed, Dr. Himanshu Bansal, Sr. Consultant Regenerative Medicine, Advancellssaid, “This was a unique case where the damage to the kidneys was quite extensive and the creatinine levels had increased to 10.9 at the time of treatment. We decided to give a high dosage of stem cells to the patient in the most non-invasive way. We procured cells from the bone marrow and adipose tissue of the patient and infused via IV. The creatinine levels started to decrease 2 weeks after transplant and are now stable at about 6.2, 3 months after the treatment. The patient continues to improve physically. His appetite has increased and there is an improvement on all physical attributes. We are now planning one more round of treatment for the patient.”
Vipul Jain, CEO of Advancells said, we believe that Stem Cell Therapies are underrated treatments for severe health conditions. People are skeptical of reaching out for the treatments and rather opting for conventional methods which are not only expensive but also put patients in alot of pain during treatment. We atAdvancells aims that after seeing and reading about successful treatments each day, people will develop their faith in Stem Cell Therapy and will start availing the benefits from the treatments we are offering”.
Stem Cells is the only science that aims at correcting a problem from its roots. Unlike most medicinal practices, which mainly provide a symptom-based cure, Stem Cells cure the disease naturally. Though in its nascent stage with evolving regulatory norms and less awareness, stem cell treatment is regarded as the future of modern medicine and its escalating demand will eliminate a lot of medical procedures being offered in today’s date.
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