

Source: APN NEWS

Dr. Lipi Singh, Chief Technology Officer , Advancells, New Delhi

As soon as one enters the age bracket of 40, the tell-tale effects of the aging process begin to take their toll. Getting old mentally may be considered a good thing as it adds wisdom and experience but when it starts affecting the skin, a majority of women panic.

They leave no stone unturned to reverse time by either applying endless creams or going under the knife which questions the practicality of such actions. Understanding the body’s and skin’s needs is crucial to keeping it young for long without falling back on temporary, unreliable and often damaging solutions.

So what exactly is ageing that most of us and especially women dread? It can be regarded as a complex process resulting in significant changes in a person’s body over a period of time. Ageing occurs in fractions because the self-renewing capability of stem cells become less due to intrinsic events, such as DNA damage, mitochondrial failure as well as extrinsic forces, such as changes in the overall physiology. As people grow old, every second, a large number of cells in their bodies are getting replaced and with age, their body’s ability to reproduce new cells decreases immensely. People tend to think that ageing is making their organs weak, but in reality, it is the body cells that are aging, thus damaging the organs that aid normal functioning of the body. Aging hinders the degeneration process of the body and brings with itself a gradual deterioration of body cells leaving scars, spots, blemishes, and wrinkles all over the skin. In due course, the skin cells expire and with age, the human body loses the ability to swap the dead cells with new ones. As time progresses, the stem cells start becoming weak and the healing process lowers its pace. However, the miraculous stem cell therapy makes way for a non-invasive treatment procedure of using the body own stem cells to trigger growth of new cells once again. The therapyis potentially revolutionizing the market for anti-ageing treatments, which is being billed as a ‘natural’ approach to reduce the signs of ageing as compared to chemically infused treatments.

Bone Marrow and Body fat are the most potent stem cell reservoirs in our body that can be utilized to regenerate aging cells. They are considered the richest source of adult stem cells in the human body. They carry the incredible competence to not only split into more stem cells, but can also distinguish into specialized cells to restore dying or damaged tissues. In terms of anti-aging treatment procedures, they are valuable and carry the ability to self-renew and generate every type of cells needed by a body in situations of crisis. Infact, stem cell technology for anti-aging treatments is poised to have a dramatic influence on a human being’s ability to live longer, replace some of its failing parts and improve overall physical and mental condition such as stamina, vigor, glow and concentration. By inserting these stem cells combined with some fat tissue into the areas of the face with wrinkles, the face is softly altered without letting it lose its distinctiveness. Meanwhile, the treatment results in people deriving a younger appearance thanks to reduced age spots, fewer wrinkles, colour of hair from grey to normal and so on.

Post an anti-ageing fat stem cell treatment, the skin shows prominent signs of turning softer and visibly younger with reduced age spots, colour irregularities, fewer wrinkles and also colour of hair changes from grey to normal . Meanwhile the body notices a remarkable surge of energy resulting in improved sleeping and breathing patterns, controlled sugar levels, re-balanced hormones, increased metabolism, average weight-loss, reduced neck and back pain, reduced fatigue and tiredness, enhanced energy, emotional and mental improvement, reduced stiffness of joints and reduced effects of degenerative diseases. This miracleis made possible owing to the insertion of 200 – 300 millionsuper-charged active stem cells. The restored cells not only cover daily losses, but exceed them a thousand times. After such active cell replenishment, organs gets rejuvenated and renewed, because the new and active cells replace the old and damaged ones.

Aging comes as a complex process due to its unidentified causes that haven’t been completely understoodyet. It majorly starts occurring when the body gets attacked by inflammation and oxidative stress. Regardless of this process being natural and inevitable for every human being, stem cells have opened uppossibilitiesof maintaining good health and keeping the body as young as possible, both for preventing age-related diseases and enjoying the aesthetic benefits of youth. This rising evidence on the association of ageing diseases with adult stem cell usage may surprisingly elevate attention towards restoring the adult stem cell function in future to improve these conditions and rewind the movements on the aging orbitIf you eat comfortably, sleep deeply, excise regularly, are well hydrated and have normal Vitamin D levels, may more stem cell will be expelled from your bone marrow and you will get on slowly. With this fresh understanding of stem cells, medical textbooks will now give birth to be rewritten to state that in many ways, death and aging are a signal of insufficient stem cell output in your bone marrow. Viruses and toxin from heavy metal, pesticides, and chemical cause mitochondrial failure in your bone marrow cells so that they cannot produce healthy stem cells. Then fundamentally we have added a new hypothesis of aging – stem cell hypothesis. We age because we stop releasing an adequate number of stem cells. What we eat, how we think, the people surrounded ourselves with, and how many toxins we are storing in our bodies will impede the activation of these cells. Rejuvenation begins with the reactivation of weaker, dying cells first, followed by restoration of new stem cells that have been lost.
