Country: Italy

Treatments: August 2007 and January 2009

I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 in 2005. I weighed 124 kg, did not exercise and would sweat for no good reason. My doctor began treating me with metformin in gradually increasing dosages.

Neither exercising nor improving my diet, my condition worsened. Because of this, I decided to come for stem cell treatment for the first time in August 2007. After treatment, I went four months without a single instance of high blood sugar.

However, during the time following treatment, I did not change my poor eating and exercise habits. Consequently, I regressed.

I came for a second treatment in January, 2009 and, like the first time, my condition improved significantly. In October, 2009, I finally started a serious, low sugar diet and lost 26 kg in four months. My most impressive achievement since last October has been keeping my glycemic index in the range of 85 – 95. Only one time has it gone over 120 (127).

For the past 10 weeks, I have stopped taking metformin altogether! My blood pressure is now down into the 100-110 range and my cholesterol is down to 140 with less medication.

My A1C is down to 6.5 from 11 originally.

My cardiovascular health has also improved. Last week, I surprised myself by jumping up a large university escalator every other step!

I am now wearing suits that I haven’t been able to wear for 15 years. My friends hardly recognize me because of my slim figure and healthy attitude. Honestly, I still eat a lot but just a lot of the right stuff.

It’s hard for me to imagine that a few short months ago, I was a diabetic. My doctor did not believe it either but my latest blood tests confirm it. Fasting blood sugar 96, blood pressure 107/60 and still losing weight! *




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