Year of birth: 1958
Job: Retired Police Officer
Marital status: Three Children and Six Grandchildren
Disease treated: Parkinson’s disease
Being retired from a job of police officer, and retired USAR officer; I have led a fairly active life; as both profession ask me to be in fairly good condition. I still do moderate workouts and continue to play golf whenever possible. After being thoroughly checked by my general practitioner, I was being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
The progress of the disease has been fairly slow, making my case somewhat atypical. I do not suffer from the tremors that afflict so many with the disease. My gait is somewhat stiff and I tend to lean to my left leg when tired, holding my left wrist at a slightly odd angle. My primary symptoms are general weakness, fatigue, and lack of stamina.
“…Now, when I workout; I can go through the day without stopping…”
Initially, I found walking very tiring. I could walk for about a half hour and then I had to take a rest. For a few months prior to this I would consistently fall asleep in public. I quickly became exhausted when performing any strenuous activity. When I would exercise in the morning, by the afternoon I had to take a long nap to recover.
After diagnosis, I had been advised to be on steroidal medicines like dopamine, but instead of making my symptoms better, they got worst. Almost four years ago, we took two of our grandchildren to Rockefeller Center to see the tree. By the end of the day; I was hobbling along, barely able to keep up. My face had the “deadpan” expression connected with the disease.
“…I came across autologous stem cells treatment as one of the known alternatives to PD…”
When I had been contacted by clinic’s representative, I was been told that stem cells from my own body will be utilized and I would not have to stay back in the hospital for more than a day. And that was not an exaggeration as bone marrow and fat was extracted from my body with the application of local anesthesia and on a same day, processed stem cells were injected back into my body through my spinal cord. The day following treatment, my wife and I spent most the day walking. Though I took frequent rests, I didn’t have to return to our hotel room to lay down. Since returning home, two friends and my personal physician have told me that at I looked much better, than I looked last year. Now, when I workout, I can go through the day without stopping.
“…We again went down to Rockefeller Center this Christmas, and I had no trouble keeping up. Now, I rarely nod out in public…”
To sum up, I would say that the changes I have experienced are very subtle. Being in the “eye of the storm” sort of speak; I find it hard to judge changes in my condition. My ability to walk all day immediately following treatment could be explained by my adjustment to jetlag. I attribute the “looking better” comments to improved facial expression.
Do I still have PD? Yes
Do I still tire quickly with strenuous activity? Yes
Is my disease still progressing? Probably
Has my stamina improved? Yes
“…Was the trip to the clinic worthwhile? The jury is still out. But if pressed on the matter, my answer would have to be, yes definitely…”
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