Year of birth: 70 Years(1948-2018)
Date of Therapy: 19th December 2018
Disease Treated: Alzheimer
“Mr. Mrigen Sharma, 70 year old Gentleman from Assam was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2014. What started with forgetting simple tasks such as where the keys are kept, got blown up to an extent that his behaviour became aggressive and he started running away from home. He was also loosing hair and muscle wasting had started specially in his hands.
Once the problem started to aggravate, the family started visiting doctors for a solution but were told that Alzheimer’s had no cure and whatever medications they prescribed was not giving any benefit to the patient. The MRI of the brain showed that the brain was just about starting to shrink.
Faced with dejection from everywhere they went, the family started to read about the latest advancements in medical sciences and came across stem cell therapies. They contacted various institutions who were running trials on regenerative medicine and zeroed down on Advancells Stem Cell Therapy protocol.
Once they came to Delhi for the procedure, a complete physical examination was done for the patient including radiological and pathological tests and the same were documented. Once the doctors and the family felt satisfied with the patient’s condition they decided to go ahead with the therapy.
One dosage of Umbilical Cord Tissue derived MSC’s were injected in the patient via the procedure of LP and also given by IV. The cell dosage was calculated scientifically and was 3 Million cells / KG body weight.
The patient was comfortable and the infusion went uneventful. The patient was kept overnight in the hospital for observation and was discharged next day with instructions on what to do over the next 6 months.
6 months later, the patient came back to the hospital for follow up and an immediate improvement in physical health and mindfulness was noticed.
Patient had regained most of the hair and the muscle loss in the hands had filled up considerably. The dents in the head were also filled up.
Patient was reported to be much calmer than before therapy and has had no instances of running away from home. His memory functions had also improved and on the whole the patient was much cheerful and jovial.
A second dose of cells was given on that day and now the patient has been asked to come back after 6 months for another evaluation and radiological scans. ”
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