Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental condition causing inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. ADHD is also accompanied by the symptoms of anxiety, panic or depression and low self-esteem. A major challenge with the incidence of ADHD is the absence of proper treatment. The field of Stem Cells shows potential for the therapy of several diseases including those of the nervous system.
Impulsivity is therefore seen as the primary characteristic of ADHD, which is a multi-component condition. Depending on the patient and their stage of life, each component may or may not be present. Children often exhibit some degree of carelessness, hyperactivity, or restlessness, but those with ADHD exhibit these behaviours more frequently, more severely, and in ways that have an impact on their quality of life.
Symptoms of ADHD
It’s typical for kids to be restless, occasionally forget their assignments, have a short attention span, and daydream in class. Although some forgetfulness, impulsive, and disorganized motor activity are typical, these behaviours are more intense, more frequent, and have a negative impact on or interfere with how individuals with ADHD behave in social situations, academically, and at home.
Recognizing the causes of ADHD is the first step in treating the issue and getting the child the support he or she requires. Children with ADHD can have issues at home and at school because they are overly restless, impulsive, and distracted.
Managing ADHD With Stem Cells
According to researchers, ADHD is likely caused by at least two genes. It is also thought that non-genetic factors including aberrant brain development, brain damage, or environmental factors may contribute to the illness.
There is a genuine ray of light because recent discoveries and a deeper comprehension of stem cells could enable the management and treatment of a number of illnesses, including ADHD.
In ADHD treatment, stem cells migrate throughout the brain and get differentiated into neuronal cells. Stem cells are natural healers and help in the regrowth of tissue. Stem cells can be isolated from the patient’s cells, such as fat tissue or bone marrow, concentrated and injected back into a patient with damaged nerves. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can mobilise in the brain and differentiate into neurons and glial cells. People with ADHD can gain from these new, healthy brain cells, which could help to alleviate some of the behavioural issues that come with the condition.
At Advancells, we offer high-quality stem cell therapy for various neurological conditions and enhance the lives of people. Drop your queries at [email protected] for information on stem cell therapy for ASD. You can also WhatsApp/Call at +91-9654321400 for further information.
Have you seen success treating adhd or tic disorders? Our daughter is 14 and we are looking for solutions
Dear Brain, Yes, stem cell therapy can help in managing ADHD. If you’d like more information about our stem cell therapy services or have specific questions related to how it may be beneficial for ADHD and tic disorders, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at +91-9654321400. We look forward to assisting you further. Thank you