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In our daily lives, we often encounter common medical conditions such as arthritis, migraines, and ligament tears. However, one condition that has significantly impacted a large portion of the population is diabetes. Glucose, the body’s primary source of energy, undergoes a complex transformation facilitated by enzymes to maintain normal blood sugar levels and release vital energy. This energy is essential for both growth and development and the execution of various biochemical processes.

When the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream becomes excessively elevated and is not effectively utilized by the body’s cells, it gives rise to a condition known as diabetes mellitus. The root causes of diabetes may include heightened levels of glucose in the blood, which the cells struggle to utilize as an energy source, or the hindrance of glucose transportation to cells due to the absence of carrier enzymes.

Symptoms of That You May Have Diabetes

Diabetes presents a complex interplay of causes, symptoms, and treatment strategies. Recognizing the early signs and understanding the multifaceted nature of this condition is paramount for effective management.

The symptoms of diabetes are often the body’s distress signals. They manifest as excessive urination, an unquenchable thirst, and frequent episodes of hunger within short intervals. Individuals may experience either unexplained weight loss or, conversely, unexplained weight gain. Profound fatigue and overall weariness can become daily companions, and even minor skin issues such as rashes, cuts, and bruises tend to heal at a sluggish pace. In some cases, diabetes contributes to high blood pressure, and the unsettling numbness in the extremities, particularly the feet and hands, is a common complaint. Alongside these immediate symptoms, diabetes introduces the risk of complications involving the nervous system, the heart, the risk of strokes, and even dental health. Understanding these symptoms is a crucial first step towards identifying and addressing the condition effectively.

Diagnosis of Diabetes

Diagnosis of diabetes is generally done by a glucose test in two varied conditions namely, fasting and non-fasting sugar testing. Initially, a person usually fasts for 6-8 hrs and the blood sample is obtained later, in the non-fasting condition the person consumes food and after 2-3 hrs the blood sample is again collected. Both the samples collected are then sent to the lab to observe the blood sugar level. The fasting glucose level should be approx 100 mg/dl whereas; a diabetic person will have a higher value. Similarly, the non-fasting test value should be less than 140 mg/dl but in the diabetic condition, it ranges around 200mg/dl or above.

What are the new Treatments for Diabetes?

Treatments for diabetes type 1 and type 2 include medications which lower the elevated glucose level in the blood, along with which supplemental injections are given to increase the absorption of the sugar glucose. In severe conditions, surgery is advised in which pancreatic transplantation is done. In type 1 diabetes treatment monitoring of glucose is done and then, an adequate amount of supplement is given via injection.

In addition, the patient’s fat and carbohydrate intake is managed and often is advised to do physical exercises. In type 2 diabetes treatment various medications help in the thinning of blood, and certain pills or tablets are prescribed so that the cells can increase their uptake of glucose and thereby, metabolize glucose as the energy source.

What is best Treatment for Diabetes

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells of the body which can differentiate themselves into different types of cells (pancreatic cells, brain cells, muscle cells, red blood cells or heart cells). Stem cell therapy provides healing and regenerative power to the injured or damaged part of the body, thus these days stem cell therapy is widely used for treating a number of diseases.

The differentiation of stem cells into pancreatic beta cells is an important aspect which helps in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. These cells help in creating a micro-environment due to their strong effects and differentiate into lost or damaged beta cells and thus, initiate secretion of new immune cells and reduce further deterioration of pancreatic beta cells.

Stem Cells for Diabetes Treatment

Stem cells found in bone marrow or adipose tissues are the most potent sources available. Stem cell therapy for Diabetes involves withdrawing the stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow (hip bone) and/or adipose tissue (belly fat) with the application of local anaesthesia. The entire process takes about 7-8 hours.

The extracted stem cells are then purified and enriched with certain growth factors and proteins in the labs under aseptic conditions and are re-injected precisely with the help of injections. After this, the natural regeneration ability of these cells can be exploited to rebuild the lost cellular system and they help the cells to absorb the glucose efficiently.

Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes Control

Diabetes treatment naturally is done by some home remedies to tackle the diabetes example, drinking bitter gourd juice along with aloe Vera and neem, eating raw garlic has antioxidant properties and regulates blood sugar levels, having seeds of fenugreek also lowers sugar levels, jamun, i.e., a fruit helps in controlling excessive urination and also controls the increased levels of sugar in the body, moreover, certain foods should be included in the diet which has high fiber content so that they elevate the cells’ capacity to absorb glucose, using raw and natural sweeteners could be effective in balancing the sugar levels, do not include wheat, rice or any carbohydrate source in the food as they prove to be harmful, abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol.

A Particularly Important Step in Diabetes Treatment is to

The journey to understand, prevent, and effectively manage diabetes is far from over. As science and medicine continue to advance, we inch closer to unraveling the complexities of this condition, working toward enhanced treatment options and ultimately, a cure. In the interim, those affected by diabetes have an array of tools at their disposal to lead fulfilling lives. With a combination of medical advancements, lifestyle adjustments, and innovative therapies like stem cell treatment, individuals can navigate the challenges of diabetes and aspire to a healthier and more vibrant future. The story of diabetes is one of resilience, innovation, and the enduring quest for better health.

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